Could I Be Ovulating?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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I wish i had a OPK........

I dont know how long my cycles are as i have only just had the implant removed and i didnt have period while i was on it....

i had some light spotting on the 10-12th nov and if that was my period then my ovulation day would be today... am i right? (14 days after the 1st day off period, thats if i have a 28cycle).

please help?

Cerival mucus... if you search fertile mucus on google it will help you. If your ovulating it stretches between your fingers (some people dont get enough mucus though and thats when preseed helps) :) xxx
is it like clear jelly texture??? if so i think i had that about 2 days ago.
Yeah but its got to be stretchy :) go on ebay and search the buyer fertility plan they do cheap OPKs xxx
Thanks :)
Just looked it up on google... and it looks like what i had!! so will defiently be jumping on OH tonight!

Another way you can check is checking your cervix although this isnt for everyone. Good luck with the baby making!!! xxx
Ive copied something off a site for you it should help.

As you approach ovulation, your cervix will become soft, high, open, and wet — you can remember this with the acronym SHOW. After ovulation, these signs reverse and the cervix becomes firm, low, closed, and dry.

To check your cervix, insert your clean, middle finger into your vagina up to at least your middle knuckle or even further. Notice how the cervix feels to the touch. Just before ovulation it may feel like your lips. After ovulation it will feel harder, like the tip of your nose.

All i can explain the cervix as it feels like a little ball lol and it has a slit in which opens and closes depending what part of your cycle you are in. Hope this
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Thankyou shauna.. some useful info that i didnt know! :) thanks again

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