Could do with a bit of cheering up!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I know I'm being silly, but just got back from 31 week midwife appointment, she found a trace of protein in my pee, and my blood pressure has shot up. (I've always had pretty high blood pressure anyway so this scared me a bit!)

She seemed a bit concerned and wasn't sure whether to call delivery suite for advice or not! In the end decided not to and said if I get anymore headaches or anything to ring delivery suite straight away and go in to get checked! I know I may be over re-acting a bit but it's kinda scared me a lot! So just need some reassurance I guess!

Sorry for the ramble, just wanted to get it out before I work myself up and make it worse!

Also, what does 4/5 mean in the bit where it says "descent of pp" ? if any of you know!

4/5 and pp - that's not how engaged the baby's head is, is it? PP as in palpable-something?
I had a trace of protein at my last consultant appointment (28 weeks) and as long as it's just a trace he said it was perfectly fine and normal for this far along.

If you're blood pressure has always been high then it may be nothing to worry about. Has it shot up from where it usually is.. or is it just higher than a 'normal person' (sorry.. hope you know what I mean!).
My bp is always low, as in 'stand up too quick and fall over' low.. so if they say my bp is fine at appointments and stuff.. I have to remind them to check against my previous bps as 'fine' for a normal person is pretty high for me :)
What I'm trying to say is check against your previous bps in your notes and make sure it has actually shot up and is not just generally higher than the average person.
If you're still worried then do as the midwife says :) Ring delivery and get checked over. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing ;) xxx

Can't help on the 4/5 thing, sorry :(
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I am always having tests that say traces of protein. My blood pressure is a little bit high too, keep reporting things to your midwife...all has been ok with me so far. xxx
I have traces of protein in my urine too. Had headaches and high bp but went to hospital on Sunday cos my headaches were bad and everything fine. A trace of urine is ok. I've ended up coming down with a really bad cold so that explains all my headaches xx
Hi, If you have traces of protein in urine what does it mean?? Thanks x
Hi, If you have traces of protein in urine what does it mean?? Thanks x

It can mean your a bit dehydrated. Traces of protein of protein in urine can be a sign of pre eclampsia but your mw would be keeping an eye on that along with your blood pressure.


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