could blood groups be a problem?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
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Hi just been speaking to my mam and she was telling me she had horrible pregnancies with me and my 4 older brothers. My mam is ' O resus (or however you spell it!!) Negative' and my dad was 'A resus negative' - she said the antibodies would fight and she was really poorly andb bled through her first pregnancy and lost a lot of weight. She had toget routine injections to stop it happening and monitored closely throughout. I know miscarriages can happen for allsorts of reasons but I'm the same blood group as my dad and I'm not sure what blood group my husband is. Apparently 2 rare ones can casue problems? She might be getting her wires crossed because she's a bit scatty these days ha! But just wondering if anyone has heard of this before? Xx
Its not the ABO bit that is the problem, its the "negative" rhesus status that you will need anti-d injections for once the pregnancy starts to progress at regular intervals. If you get any sort of bleeding at all in the first trimester, you usually get a shot of it then too, to prevent you making antibodies which would attack the baby if its rhesus positive.

If this is your first pregnancy and you've had no bleeding, don't worry. They'll schedule your anti-d when you go to your first midwife appointment. If you get any bleeding, even if really light spotting, ring your epu for advice.
I'm rhesus neg and never had a problem with my 6 living children perfect pregnancies just seems like now I can't seem to get them to stick xxx
We'll I'm going through. Mc at the minute at just under 6 weeks but I know there are a million reasons for them to happen. I'm resus neg, does my hubby have to be aswell or is it just me? Think my mam was getting her wires crossed a little but it was a long time ago for her ha! Its interesting to know becasue a lot of these mc may be preventable if people know this. Thanks for the info x
How many mc have you had? It may be worth a trip to the doc to get referred if this is 3, or to talk about the rhesus status thing. They can check your blood for the dangerous antibodies with a normal blood test to see if you've made them.
I think its only a problem if your OH is rhesus positive (if your both negative then the baby should be negative and therefore there isn't a problem), but i'm not sure about this enough to swear to it.
Hi! In Aug I had a d&c where I found out that I am rhesus neg and my OH is too. I got a shot after the op so I didnt bleed to much and checked with my doc if that could have been the cause. He did confirm that if you both are rhesus neg then there is no danger to the baby - only when they differ.

I am sorry that you had to go through this! It is terrible and hurts so much - take care of yourself!! XX
This is my 1st miscarriage, thank you for getting back to me on this one. I will have to get him tested to see what his blood group is as i'm A Resus Neg. I know there are many reasons why miscarriages can happen but if i'm to fall preganant again I would like to give it every chance possible. xx

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