Could be pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2007
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Hi everyone. Long time since I've been on here. Anyway...

I split up with my bf about 5 weeks ago now, I had just moved in with him, and things didn't work out.
I'm on Cerazette, but I often miss pills and take them late etc... :doh:
I have been on this pill for about a year, and soon after starting on it my periods stopped completely.

Couple of weeks ago my boobs were really sore, esp my nipples, this has died down now.
The last few days or so I have started to get lower abdominal cramps, and the area around my left ovary is pretty tender and there is a constant ache.

I have also had a slight brown tinge when wiping after going to the loo, also on the odd occasion I have also had darker stringier discharge. For me this is very unusual as I don't have anything like this, as I don't have periods anymore.

I am always tired, despite getting enough sleep, I just feel exhausted and everything seems to be an effort, I've had headaches nearly everyday, and this morning I thought I was going to be sick when I got up.

Now I don't know what to make of all this. Surely if I haven't been having periods I can't of been ovulating?? If I'm not pregnant then any ideas what could be up?

Sorry for the essay. Thanks
Hi Beetle. Funnily enough i'm also on Cerazette and having exactly the same symptoms as you. I'm peeing alot too and having to get up in the middle of the night. I've done some e-bay cheapy tests but they come back negative. I have no idea what's going on.
Hmmmm....... :think:

I'm not an expert by any means but will venture an answer as nobody else is here right now!

Where in the packet of pills are you? Have you missed a pill accidentally or been sick?

Sorry, that actually isnt an answer - just more questions! :lol:
Babyblonde - cerazette is taken everyday without a break, so I'm not sure it matters where in the pack I am.

I've always been pretty bad with taking pills tbh, so obv when you have missed pills or taken them late you are not protected. Silly that I know all this, yet didn't do anythign about it at the time :doh:

It's just strange that I've been on this pill nearly a year with no periods or spotting or anything, and now suddenly I'm getting this brown when wiping, and period like cramping, with the main pain being around where my left ovary is.
Hmmmmmm...... :think: It's a thinker.

Sorry, the pill I used to be on was one you took and then had a break between packs so that you had a period - so i dont really have any experience with the type of pill you are using.

Only reason I asked about where you were in the pack was incase you were at the end of a pack and missed one, because as far as I understand it (with some pills anyway) you are more likely to get preggers if you miss a pill at the end of the pack rather than the beginning.

I would probably see your doctor to get it checked, as you should with any unusual bleeding really. I've just googled Cerazette and apparently if you get pregnant while taking it there is a slightly increased risk of ectopic pregnancy so you should definitely get checked over (sorry, don't want to scare you at all - it's just info I found)

Dont know if it's a plus or a minus but from looking on the web it does seem like this is a fairly common problem with cerazette.....
I don't know what's going on with you but thought I'd say I got pregnant twice while on cerazette. First pregnancy I have a 3yr old daugter, second I m/c in July.

(Don't know why I went back on cerazette after the first one!)
Thanks for all your replies.

I'm going to test over the weekend, just to put my mind at rest either way.
At least then if I am pregnant I will know, and if not I will make a doctors appointment to get checked out, cos something is going on down there.

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