cough/ cold capsules etc....


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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does anyone know which are safe to take?

ive got a really sore throat, ear ache and a chesty cough, ive got asthma so want to shift it asap before it gets worse

ive tried beechams flu capsules, had the box (eight) but its done no good

i hate going to the docs cus they will just say its a cold and say take cold capsules anyway so its a waste of time :(
i dont think any are hun your better of just taking paracetamol
I thought you were only supposed to take paracetamol when pregnant unless it was something prescribed by your GP.

I'd check the ingredients of what you've been taking as you may well be mixing meds. I don't know what goes into those packets as I never take them.

If you have a chesty cough that begins to affect your asthma you should be able to increase your asthma meds up to the limit (as set by your GP) My inhalers are up to 4 puffs twice a day (brown one) 2 puffs twice a day (purple one) and as many as I need (blue one). Of course if you are maxing out to your limit and using the blue one more than 8 times a day chances are you'll need more than inhalers to stop it.

In the meantime you can also try sticking your head over a few menthol crystals (can buy tiny jar from chemists, not expensive) in a bowl of steaming water. Pop a towel over your head to get the best effects.

As for sore throat, honey and lemon in hot water is good. Lockets and so on are safe to use also. Ear ache could be helped with a hot water bottle :)
Since there are so many over the counter remedies that aren't safe, your best bet is to ask a pharmacist, saves waiting for a gp appointment anyway!!
I've got a rotten cold and will be sending out my DH to the pharmacy later!!
I know paracetamol is ok to take, but really I'd check first just in case.
Hope you feel better soon! :hug:
cheers girlies im going to pop to the chemist in a bit to speak to the pharmacist, i'll let you know waht he/she says ;)
I've managed to get a cold too... blah! This is about my fourth since August. Thought I was feeling a bit drained but no the nose started this morning.

I was advised by the pharmacist not to take anything but paracetamol and steer clear of the cold mixtures/tablets because of the decongestants they contain. Vicks vaporub was great the last time, too.

Just take care with the earache because it can turn into an infection which you'd need to see your GP about.
cheers hun, think i will get some vicks vapour rub - good idea :D
Yeah you can have paracetomol and that's it :?
Maybe some lemon sweets or something might help your throat.

Not even all herbal remedies are OK either so definitely ask before taking anything else.
I asked the midwife what was safe to take when I had flu in first tri and she said stick to paracetamol :(
only paracetamol im for your cough, id see a doctor cos cough remidies are NOt ok when pregnant either and with you having asthma you need that gone liek you say
For your sore through, strepsils are fine but not the dual action ones cos they have anaesthetic in them too which isnt good.
Feel better soon
For colds/sore throats etc, try half a freshly squeezed lemon and 2 teaspoons of MANUKA HONEY (has to be Manuka) in a cup and add boiling water and drink it. It is SO good and the honey has great anti-bacterial properties!
ive been guzzling lemon and honey (not manuka though - is that good?)

Also, a bit of a silly question, what exactly does the vicks vapour rub do? Obviously you put it on your chest? Will it help clear up a chesty cough or am i being a bit thick?

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