Cotton Wool or Wipes


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
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I know the "advice" is to only use cotton wool & water on a babies bottom, but was wondering what everyone would actually be using?
Cotton wool and water. I bought some herbal wipes for when we are out and about. And once we've got used to baby we will start using reusab;e wipes. I've bought them but I think to be realistic we'll have enough to learn about baby and washing nappies without adding wipes to the problem list. But once we're on top of things I'd like to use them, with a home made solution of camomile and lavender.
well once you've seen the stuff that comes out of newbs and its explosive volocity... baby wipes don't appear that bad anymore...btw the can aim poo... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i think cotton wool but my mum is stocking up on wipes for me, might wait until babies skin less sensitive
I used baby wipes from day one on my other two :oops:

Tried using cotton wool & water, but trying to mop up sticky meconium with that was impossible! lol
missjennipenni said:
I used baby wipes from day one on my other two :oops:

Tried using cotton wool & water, but trying to mop up sticky meconium with that was impossible! lol

used cotton wool for the first week n half but found it was makin him sore core drying with the stuff is imposible , im now on wipes lol
I plan to use cotton wool and water at home and wipes out an about...but I will adapt if I need too, especially looking at what other people have said on this thread.
OMG baby wipes all the way, the only reason they say not to use them initially is cos they used to contain alcohol, they dont any more so are fine.

I have tried using cotton woll and water once and never again, usless stuff....... :rotfl:
Cotton Wool and water at home but if out and about it's not really practical so sensitive wipes.

MW's say to use CW and water for 6 weeks but I don't know anyone who has done that!
simple wet wipes until the meconium stage passes then cloth wipes and wipe lotion
wipes for me too - cotton wool and water doesn't shift much :lol: or so my sister found out.

I have biodegradable wipes to try
I have always carried two little tupper wear boxes one with wet cotton wool and some oragnic baby wash stuff and wet cotton wool.......and in emergencies have used bio degradable baby wipes.....

For that first poo...use vaseline...or kamilosan to get it off the bum :lol:
I was quite surprised when I was at my antenatal class last night and they said don't use baby wipes, or out anything but water in babys bath. It's surprising how much things have changed in the 5 years since I had James.

I will probably use cotton wool and water for the first week or so, then switch to wipes.
I always found the sensitive wipes to be rubbish so will stick with the normal Johnssons one's.
kalia said:
Hmmmm I might have back up wipes then. :think:

Its always good to have some wipes around - I use them for everything even now :lol: So handy!
I'm peeking in from 2nd tri - was interested by this post as we bought 7 packs of wipes today, lol. As this is my first i've no idea what to use really and so I thought i'd have both and see how I get on!!
I doubt I'll be using wipes unless Im out and about but otherwise it will be a nice soft baby flannel and warm water.

I use baby wipes on myself and sometimes they arent as 'sensitive' as they make out :lol:
I ususally use cotton wool and water for the first 6-8 weeks but think this time I am likely to be out and about early on so will probably use wipes when we are out
We used cw & water at first but now use baby wipes then wash bum with a soft baby sponge & warm water :)

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