Cot Versus Cotbed


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I posted this in "ask a Mum" yesterday but no-one answered :shock:

Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind me popping in.

OH and I are in a one bed and will be until the baby is at least a year. The bedroom is very big but as we have two walk-in cupboards we lose a lot of wall space.

My question is could we get away with just a cot? The one we are looking at is touted as a mini cotbed and says will last the baby until it is aprox 3.

It is about 25cms shorter than the cotbed we fell in love with but fits perfectly. The cotbed would mean having to take a door off (we'd put it back on so it opens outwards but that is not ideal)

Just wondering how much we need the cotbed?

Thanks in advance!

Hun I would go for whateva suits the place u have now! Joshua had a cot an went straight to a big bed from that!
We jave saved the cot for the next little 1 :)
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I would go for whatever suits you. We have nieces cot bed, that was actually only ever used as a cot, as when she was due to go into a bed they got the chance of a really good single... So they never used it as a bed!xxx
If the cot is best then go for that. We just had a cot for our daughter and she went straight into a big bed at about 2 and a bit years. I will be doing the same this time round
we have got a mini-cotbed in our nursery. Love it! the reason we got that is because we wanted more space in the room, and will hopefully have another baby before this one is 3, which would mean the new baby would be in that cot and we would have to get a toddler bed for the little one.

or that is the plan anyway! as we are stuck in our 2 bed flat for another 4 years, we need to make the most of the space in the nursery.
we have got a mini-cotbed in our nursery. Love it! the reason we got that is because we wanted more space in the room, and will hopefully have another baby before this one is 3, which would mean the new baby would be in that cot and we would have to get a toddler bed for the little one.

or that is the plan anyway! as we are stuck in our 2 bed flat for another 4 years, we need to make the most of the space in the nursery.

Thanks hun!

Yep this one is touted as a mini cotbed and should last baby until it is aprox 3.

I think we'll go for the smaller option (that is a lot cheaper too!!)

It's similar wood and it's also sleigh design, so very similar to what we picked.

Eeep, exciting! I now have a cot :lol:

DD went straight from Moses basket in our room, in to a cot in her room, to a big bed in her room......perhaps it's just me being odd as usual but I never saw the point of cot beds?
hey nat :)

sorry I was trying to sell the cotbed earlier I didnt realise why you were asking lol!

as everyone else has said I think its just whatever works best for you, I am only getting the cot bed as I have the room for it and because I like the cot as a bed so thought kill two birds with one but if I were you and had to go through alot of hassle or buy a slightly smaller cot then go with the smaller cot :)

are you getting a dark sleigh? the one I seen in Babies r us looked very antique like, dark wood looks much more expensive I think xxxx
Another (sleigh) cotbed mummy here that also turns into a sofa/daybed, chose it because we have the room and I love the style :)
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We went for the sleigh "mini cotbed" in the end, it fits perfectly and is a fair bit cheaper!

It should last until bub is around 3, unles he/she is a giant :lol:

Sounds fab! We went for a cot too because of the fact that our box room is tiny it is now the nursery! Plus we would like to have more children if we can so we figured we will need the cot anyway. x
We've gone for a cotbed, but that was purely because of how cheap a deal it was. x
We had a cotbed for DD but when she started climbing out of the cot, we got her a separate bigger bed with side rails on. So, we never actually used the cotbed, converted into a bed, beyond 2 years old. We bought it with long term value for money in mind, but it didn't turn out to be the most practical option in the end.
Having said that, we saved the cotbed, and next week we shall be putting it up for baby #2. Maybe we'll use it a bit longer this time?
I think buy what your budget and space allows. Don't get too worried about the practicalities at this moment because it will be a long time before baby can climb out and you have to worry about upgrading.

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