Cot versus Cotbed


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind me popping in.

OH and I are in a one bed and will be until the baby is at least a year. The bedroom is very big but as we have two walk-in cupboards we lose a lot of wall space.

My question is could we get away with just a cot? The one we are looking at is touted as a mini cotbed and says will last the baby until it is aprox 3.

It is about 25cms shorter than the cotbed we fell in love with but fits perfectly. The cotbed would mean having to take a door off (we'd put it back on so it opens outwards but that is not ideal)

Just wondering how much we need the cotbed?

Thanks in advance!

Were in the same situation and have a cotbed. Granted we brought it before moving here so didn't know about size and it takes up a lot of room but I love the sturdiness i lay half in
It with him when feeding him. Tyler and I coslept but I was getting a bit sick of it so I took the side off the cot bed and have it attached to my bed so he sleeps next to me. Going to add the side at the end of the month. Because of this Im so glad we had a cot bed! Also financially it means we don't have to buy a bed when he grows.

Cotbed here too that turns to a day bed/sofa when outgrown as its a sleigh bed, we all love it incl lo :)
Cotbed here too - we are very short of space but LO having the extra space is well worth it, he loves it and the first night he was in it was the first night he slept through! :) I think financially they are better too as they last that bit longer.
I have a cot and harrys slept in it from the day he was born but the I didn't buy it my nan bought it for us so I can't compain really!
Jack has a cotbed. He has ALOT of space in it. We (well MIL) bought it with the intention of him using it until he got too big for it but now his Brother or Sister will be using it and we'll get him a normal single bed to move into when he's about 2. We're hoping the newbie will use the cotbed until he/she is about 4 x
cotbed for us, we have a right wriggler here, she does laps, so at least she has the room!!
Hi - can i ask what the difference between a cot and cotbed is - I think I know, but just to clarify...

Thanks xx
Basically a cotbed is a little bit bigger and turns into a 'big' bed. So in theory they are more economical because they last longer. when lo is ready to move to a proper bed you just take the sides off the cot instead of having to buy a whole new bed. They can be quite a bit bigger though so you need to make sure you have the space :)
We've just ordered a mini cot bed.....can't wait :D although I was kind of hoping Albert would be in his moses basket next to mummy til he was at least 15 lol
Basically a cotbed is a little bit bigger and turns into a 'big' bed. So in theory they are more economical because they last longer. when lo is ready to move to a proper bed you just take the sides off the cot instead of having to buy a whole new bed. They can be quite a bit bigger though so you need to make sure you have the space :)

Thanks SunnySue - I thought it was something like that :) xxx
AJ has a cotbed and it looks like it will last a while yet and he's going to be 4 in November!

We have bought baby a cot as it saves on space but were not going to need to change it into a bed as we'll be buying bunks and baby can go in the bottom bunk with a side on when old enough (probably around 2 as that is when AJ switched from cot to bed)
We just have a cot. Cam will stay in it until he goes to a big boy bed. Im skipping the toddler bed and going straight into a single. Don't see the point in the middle stage x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
We have a cot bed too but only because it will save money in the long run :) x x
I found the cot bed great for me. Odhrán threw himself out of his cot quite young :shock: so the sides I immediately took off, it wasn't a panic running to buy a bed or mattress it was literally 15 minutes and it was sorted. He is 2 and a half and still in the cot bed with loads of room x

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