Cot bumpers?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Isaac has a cot bed and it has a low setting for when he is bigger and a high setting he sleeps on now. The problem I am having is that he turns round in the night and is laying across the cot every morning. I am worried he will bash his head or get a hand or foot caught in the bars so today I bought some cot bumpers. I have heard that cot bumpers can stop air circulation and contribute to sudden infant syndrome (I never say the D word). Have you heard this? Also the bumper is too big for the high setting but I'm not sure I will be able to reach Isaac very well if I lower the mattress when he is still so little?

Any advice appreciated as always

Lou :)
Hi lou.

Dior slept in her moses basket till she was 12weeks old then when she went into her cot bed i put the cot bumpers on as Dior would wriggle up to the top and bash her head on the bars. and she had a dummy it would fall out the bars then she would cry. i didnt no at the time they were unsafe, but i had no probs.

i will be getting one for the lil boy too.

if u are very unsure because of the D word... then spend a bit extra on one of them baby monitors that come with a mat and if the baby stops breathing the alarm goes off. iv never used one or known any one who has but they sound a good idea.
Reece has always had bumpers on his cot. I first put them on when he was a few weeks old (can't remember exact age he went in his own bed) to stop cold drafts getting at him. Then when he started moving about they cushioned him from banging his head. Now he sees them as a game, he likes lifting them up to see out of his cot.

My bumpers were too big for highest setting so I just tucked them down the side of mattress.
When they are small they sleep at the foot end of the cot and the bumper goes at the head of the cot so I don't see how they could be unsafe??
I feel comfortable using them because I know my baby and she doesn't move much in her sleep. At nearly 7 months old, she still wakes up where I left her.

I've read that the main concern is they can use them as a footing to climb out of their crib when they're old enough to stand. As long as you tie them correctly and tightly, there should be no problems.
Hey Lou,
Phoebe does this all the time. She sleeps on her front so can move around pretty easily.
I asked my HV about it and she said there isn't a lot you can do. Putting them in a Gro Bag apparantly helps for some babies.
However because Phoebe can move and does get wedged up against the slats of her cot I have taken her bumper away in case she gets her face stuck in it and suffocates.
Once they are in a deep sleep they won't really move though so I put Phoebe to bed at 7pm and then I always move her back to the centre of her cot when I go up to bed at about 10.30pm.
Sometimes that does the job but other times I have to get up in the night and move her back because she is whinging.
Thanks for all your replies!

I still havent decided what to do. Good idea to tuck them in round the mattress, might try that. As for the alarm monitor thingy I think it would drive me insane! lol I have heard that because babies have delayed breathing the sensor can go off unnecessarily.

Last night Isaac turned himself almost completely around. My boyfriend always pokes his head in and watches him sleeping in the morning before he has to go off to work and he says that he fidgets and turns not long before he wakes up and not like I thought he did throughout the night.

Lou :)
This is hard to explain but you can get a 'thing' which goes either side of baby to stop then from moving, sort of like 2 cushions eitherside, ill see if I can find an example becuase this is difficult to descride lol

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