Cot quieries?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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LO has starting pulling himself up on things and can stand up holding onto cot bars! the cot however isn't on lowest setting! Do u think I should be lowering it now? I don't want to but obv its safety first! Also I havnt wanted to remove the cot bumpers (even tho I know u should when they can sit up or something) but this morning his face was pressed right up in it smothered almost! Had a right panic and took them out! Surely by 9 month he would move his head himself? And now without bumpers when he had nap he had 2 big red marks on his head from where it had pressed against the bars! Don't know what to do for the best? Thanks x
I lowered charley's cot as soon as he started standing in it, now every morning I find him stood up shouting at me! Lol
I think I took his bumpers off when he was about 8 months old, he always slept with his face pressed in it but I used it more so it didn't hurt so much when he bangs his head on the cot!
I don't think Aiden should need it now x.
Thanks hun! Will have to lower it :-/ just another stage gone (if u know what I mean) gona be a nightmare lowering him in when he's asleep! So u think should take bumpers out? They not safe to leave in? Was doing same with not wanting him to bang head! X
I lowered Tegan's cot as soon as she started standing, removed the bumper when she was about 8 months too x
Isla still has her bumper but she never sleeps anywhere near it! I lowered her cot ages ago, probably when she was 6 months old. She's not far from needing it lowering even more!
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You can invest in the breathable bumpers, they collapse when a baby tries to use them as a climbing frame, go mine from jojo mama bebe (think thats the name)
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I lowered Lilly's cot right to the bottom when she started standing... i have a really hard time reaching her now, lol.

We've just put the cot on the middle setting, but when she stands up it's that bit too low - she has a big head, lol!, so might get OH to put it down again!

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