Convicted child sex offender murdered.

LisaJ1986 said:
As i said before,My next door neighbour abused ONE of his daughters from the age of 9. Forced her to have an abortion at 14, but at 15 it would've been suspicious so she had his baby! The boy was about 10 when it all came out. The guy denied it. DNA proved it. He got 5 years! 5 years for ruining this girl's life. She is so messed up it's unreal. She put her son into care. Went on to have i think 2 more children.

This man served 3.5 years!!! He moved back into his old house, with his wife (Her Mother!!!) who waited for him. Believed him over science! And he still goes about making the (female) neighbours lives a misery! He talks to me like sh*t, yet my OH is worth chatting to! And we're on an Estate where people are bringing up kids!!!

He shouldn't have been allowed back here! He should've served a hell of a lot more than 3.5 poxy years!!! He is really scum!!!

I'd not really have much of an opinion if i hadn't known all this! I've lived next door to him all my life!

And if i don't get repossessed i wanna sell! But because of him, it is very, very hard to sell a house on this estate!!!

God lisa thats awful :hug: That stupid woman to take him back, thats disguisting. No wonder you wanna move so badxx
If anyone touched my daughter's and took away there inocence in that way id be inclined to do the same, I dont agree with murder but id happily do time for taking away the risk of it happening again to another child, and part of me would want some sort of retributions for my girl.

As someone else said, if children give them there kicks then children will always give them there kick prison or not, they just become better at not being found out.Lets be honest they even get there own wing in most prisons with other like minded pedo's. When some horror story hits the papper about abuse to children how many of us would say "id love 5 min alone with the nutter" i know i have.
As I always say to my kids, "Bad things happen to bad people"

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