OMFG just seen this on bbc news

So if they're not looking for anyone else, i take it it was the mother
that did it?? :x :evil:
been on the radion all day , there saying the mother is mentally ill and neighbours have often begged police to take the littlin away :(
Why do they never take any notice to things like this until it's too late? Peeves me right off, so sad.
they will be ablr to tell if it was the mother anyways, but the way the stabs are in herself.
if you get what i mean
and it makes me so angry to think anyone could do that to a little child. :(
its so annoying people like tht shouldnt have kids..there was another little girl who was killed by her parents last week she was only 4 the poor thing. its happenig to aften i have done child protection course and the guidlelines into removing a child are crap they need to be much more intense. this is why so many children loose there lives like this its awful and should be stopped.
ive always said every child under school age shoulod have to see a health visitor on a regular basis just so there is an external adult in contact with the child. i have to see my health visitor every month as this is how it works here. it should be the same for every vhi;d until they are in full time education at least then they are seen by another adult where signs of abuse/neglect can be picked up on .

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