Convicted child sex offender murdered.

Serendipity_ said:
I think everyone would react different if it was their kid so if it is the girls family that has done it, I don't blame them.

I hate the word frenzied though, it makes me shudder :shock:

i love the word frenzied. its so descriptive. :twisted:
zebrastripes said:
the wilful taking of another human being's life is never justified

He took thatg childs life Zeb though when he abused her. :(
budge said:
Serendipity_ said:
I think everyone would react different if it was their kid so if it is the girls family that has done it, I don't blame them.

I hate the word frenzied though, it makes me shudder :shock:

i love the word frenzied. its so descriptive. :twisted:

Going totaly off topic but Budge what do I see in your sig

"guess whos due in a month?!"

Your not pregnant are you :eek: :dance:

And welcome back, missed you :hug:
Tasha20 said:
budge said:
Serendipity_ said:
I think everyone would react different if it was their kid so if it is the girls family that has done it, I don't blame them.

I hate the word frenzied though, it makes me shudder :shock:

i love the word frenzied. its so descriptive. :twisted:

Going totaly off topic but Budge what do I see in your sig

"guess whos due in a month?!"

Your not pregnant are you :eek: :dance:

And welcome back, missed you :hug:

she prob means santa tasha!!
mrs_tommo22 said:
zebrastripes said:
the wilful taking of another human being's life is never justified

He took thatg childs life Zeb though when he abused her. :(

I know. And it's not justified either. But that does not, in turn, allow the taking of his life.

I just think that the eye for an eye idea leads into a lot of dark and murky waters. Where is the line drawn? It's impossible to set boundaries.

I'm not exactly mourning his death and I couldn't say I'd stand in front of the lynch mob, but on a superficial level I am opposed to it
zebrastripes said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
zebrastripes said:
the wilful taking of another human being's life is never justified

He took thatg childs life Zeb though when he abused her. :(

I know. And it's not justified either. But that does not, in turn, allow the taking of his life.

I just think that the eye for an eye idea leads into a lot of dark and murky waters. Where is the line drawn? It's impossible to set boundaries.

I'm not exactly mourning his death and I couldn't say I'd stand in front of the lynch mob, but on a superficial level I am opposed to it

No its not justified but i am certainly not going to cry over him. I will be sleeping easier at night. Though like you i cant say it's right.
good serves him right, wish the same would happen to more of them
I know its never right to take another life,and i didnt feel very much at all when i read this. Not about the murderer, not about the man who died, but i do know that if a pervert ever did anything to my children i would want to kill them....
When i heard about this today i just thought.. what goes around comes around..
Quill said:
This happened less than a mile from me.

I don't agree with how he was murdered but I feel like the government should keep better tabs on sex offenders. I can see how someone might be driven toward retaliation if someone's abused their child and the pedo's back out on the streets within a few years to reoffend again. Doesn't make the vigilante justice the right thing to do in the end though, but it ought to be seen both as the wrong thing to do, AND a symptom of possible failures within the judicial system.

The possible failure is that someone who's done their time was not protected from vigilantes, if it was vigilantes who killed him for his past crimes.

And it's one of the reasons why I'm so much against Sarah's or Megan's law. It doesn't help anyone, and I find it actually quite scary, that a few people on here actually openly applaud murder.
It's wrong to murder obviously
although if it was lyla he involved himself with i dont think id have that opinion, id want to murder him myself.
2 wrongs dont make a right but atleast he cant ruin any other childs life and take their innocence.
the police cannot monitor sex offenders 24/7 once released which is why i think they should be imprisoned for life not only to keep them away from children but for their own safety (not that i give a shit for their safety TBH).
widowwadman said:
The possible failure is that someone who's done their time was not protected from vigilantes, if it was vigilantes who killed him for his past crimes.

I completely disagree. With overcrowded jails, there's a trend toward giving out lesser sentences and early release/parole. It's also very unlikely that jail will have rehabilitated a sex offender. Therefore, the justice system has failed the people first and foremost. :?

With a seemingly growing disconnect between the government (who are being seen to promote the rights of criminals before the rights of the victims) and the general public, I'm not entirely sure this case is a one-off. And no, it's not the "right" thing to do but I still feel that I can understand the motives of whoever did it, minus the torture, that's just sick.
I know people may find it harsh but I'm glad. (and thats 'my opinion' before anyone has a go at me :lol: )

No murder is not RIGHT but neither is child abuse, and a prison sentance does not equal the crime he commited as he took that childs innocence. Im sure that girls family will sleep better now too.

I think the death penalty should be bought back for these sorts of scum anyway so this is a step in the right direction IMO. And people will say about 'human rights' but where does this come in when the crime is commited!xx
ReggiesMummy said:
I think the death penalty should be bought back for these sorts of scum anyway so this is a step in the right direction IMO. And people will say about 'human rights' but where does this come in when the crime is commited!xx

To me, someone who can abuse a child isn't human. I think the reaction to want to kill someone who takes your child's childhood and life from them is comepletely human.
Jade&Evie said:
ReggiesMummy said:
I think the death penalty should be bought back for these sorts of scum anyway so this is a step in the right direction IMO. And people will say about 'human rights' but where does this come in when the crime is commited!xx

To me, someone who can abuse a child isn't human. I think the reaction to want to kill someone who takes your child's childhood and life from them is comepletely human.

Exactly i agree.xx
As i said before,My next door neighbour abused ONE of his daughters from the age of 9. Forced her to have an abortion at 14, but at 15 it would've been suspicious so she had his baby! The boy was about 10 when it all came out. The guy denied it. DNA proved it. He got 5 years! 5 years for ruining this girl's life. She is so messed up it's unreal. She put her son into care. Went on to have i think 2 more children.

This man served 3.5 years!!! He moved back into his old house, with his wife (Her Mother!!!) who waited for him. Believed him over science! And he still goes about making the (female) neighbours lives a misery! He talks to me like shit, yet my OH is worth chatting to! And we're on an Estate where people are bringing up kids!!!

He shouldn't have been allowed back here! He should've served a hell of a lot more than 3.5 poxy years!!! He is really scum!!!

I'd not really have much of an opinion if i hadn't known all this! I've lived next door to him all my life!

And if i don't get repossessed i wanna sell! But because of him, it is very, very hard to sell a house on this estate!!!
Sorry but i have to say I couldnt care less he got killed...

If someone ever touched mia, i wouldnt be held responsible for my actions, just as i would imagine many mums on here would feel the same...

as for the 1 less child abuser - 1 more murderer, imo someone who abuses a child and gets away with it is quite likely to do it again...if i was to kill someone who messed with my daughter doesnt mean i would then go on to kill other people...

if we could rely on the justice being served then we wouldnt have this problem...

for example. My mum and dad went through this with me...and 9 other girls this guy did it to...

went to court, guess what he service...oooo that taught him...

my parents wanted to rip his guts out but instead went the 'right' way about it and now look he lives down the road from me and is still doing it..

sorry for the rant but its a subject close to my heart and if im completely honest when i see stories like this i think GOOD :clap:
ReggiesMummy said:
I know people may find it harsh but I'm glad. (and thats 'my opinion' before anyone has a go at me :lol: )

No murder is not RIGHT but neither is child abuse, and a prison sentance does not equal the crime he commited as he took that childs innocence. Im sure that girls family will sleep better now too.

I think the death penalty should be bought back for these sorts of scum anyway so this is a step in the right direction IMO. And people will say about 'human rights' but where does this come in when the crime is commited!xx

I totally agree with this comment. I think if it is 100% certain that these vile men interfered with children they should be given the death sentance. I do not see how putting them in prison for a couple of years will "cure" them. Its like saying put a gay man in prison and he will come out straight. If it is children that give these guys their kicks it always will be no matter how many times they are locked up so once they are found guilty and its 100% proven i think they should be wiped off the planet. I would happily push the button if it was any of my family.

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