Convicted child sex offender murdered.

yea I was just readin that, just coz what he did doesnt make it right to murder him
I dunno what to say, really :think:

I know hes a dirty man, but doesn't mean its right to kill him :talkhand:
No it wasnt right.

But its one less off the planet to worry about.
To be honest i don't feel anything. I guess it wasn't right, but i don't feel sorry for him.

I live next door to someone who abused his daughter from the age of 9, til she had his baby at 15. Yet it took about 10 years to come out!
He is the most vile man to live next door to.

And there is another on this estate too!
I seen this today.

I asked a guy I worked with; if you had seen something of importance regarding this murder and the police were asking for people to come forward would you give your evidence or would you hold it back as you thought he deserved it.

He answered that he would always go to the police as he doesn't agree with people taking the law into their own hands.

I have to agree, although part of me thinks this man deserved everything he got another part of me wonders what type of people could do this to another human no matter what they had done? Any normal person no matter how much the were filled with anger would do something like this.
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I seen this today.
I have to agree, although part of me thinks this man deserved everything he got another part of me wonders what type of people could do this to another human no matter what they had done? Any normal person no matter how much the were filled with anger would do something like this.

i agree, 2 wrongs dont make a right!!
Who ever done this, if they are genuinly a violent person anyway makes it scarey, but if its someone juts doing it for revenge makes it worrying, who could they turn on next?
give em a medal

oooooooooooooooooh controversial...only reason Im so vigilante like this is cos I get too involved emotionally - if that bloke had messed with my Jamie do u expect me to forgive him????? or stab him to death for what he put my flesh and blood thru???

1 less perv to worry about imo

i would put a bible quote in here, somethin about castin the first stone if ur a saint but Im tired and grumpy so I wont
Minxy said:
Urchin said:

Don't you just love how Urchin always starts these thread and never comments on them? :lol:


TBH if he had abused my child I'd be first round there with a copper pipe and some barbed wire (don't ask)
BUT that doesn't make it right at all.

In this particular case I think the way he was mutilated makes me think it was the girls family.
This happened less than a mile from me.

I don't agree with how he was murdered but I feel like the government should keep better tabs on sex offenders. I can see how someone might be driven toward retaliation if someone's abused their child and the pedo's back out on the streets within a few years to reoffend again. Doesn't make the vigilante justice the right thing to do in the end though, but it ought to be seen both as the wrong thing to do, AND a symptom of possible failures within the judicial system.
Quill said:
This happened less than a mile from me.

I don't agree with how he was murdered but I feel like the government should keep better tabs on sex offenders. I can see how someone might be driven toward retaliation if someone's abused their child and the pedo's back out on the streets within a few years to reoffend again. Doesn't make the vigilante justice the right thing to do in the end though, but it ought to be seen both as the wrong thing to do, AND a symptom of possible failures within the judicial system.

oh good lord who gives a fook what it means other than its one less waste of space deviant on the streets.
Two bad crimes dont = a right but some people dont think about that when they hear of a pedofile.
Mind you if it was my kid :shock:
I think everyone would react different if it was their kid so if it is the girls family that has done it, I don't blame them.

I hate the word frenzied though, it makes me shudder :shock:

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