Contractions but no clots or tissue passed

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi ladies

I have been up most of the night in agony with what can only be described as contractions, coming every couple of minutes but i have not passed any clots or tissue, just blood.

Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be my cervix is still closed so the clots arent able to pass through? Xx
Hi huni, unfortunately I had this on Wednesday which resulted in me being taken to hospital via ambulance. I had contraction type pains along with heavy bleeding and clots. I would advise that you go to a&e if they get any worse. It really is a awful time and il be thinking of you today. Xx
I may be wrong but the pains are likely to be your cervix dilating xx
So sorry Hayley, it really is horrible.

Im not passing loads of blood either i don't think, not as much as i do when on period but the pain in the night was awful. How long did yours last? What did they do at hospital? I was tempted to go to A&E but wasn't sure they would do anything xx
See how it goes but if your worried I would go. I had prepared to miss carry as I had started bleeding a few days earlier and went for a scan were they told me no heartbeat was detected . I was 7 weeks so it should of been visible. I continued to bleed and began getting contraction Like pains on Tuesday morning however they seemed to stop after a couple of hours. I didn't pass any clots and the bleeding stayed the same ( like a period). The following morning on the Wednesday the pains came back along with more heavy bleeding and I began to pass large clots. I panicked at that point as I had fainted during a previous MC so my partner took me to the local hospital. They did my BP and physical obs however thy were concerned with how much I was bleeding and the pain I was in so they called for an ambulance to take me to another hospital where there is a gyne department. All on the way there I was in awful pain and I was given gas and air- I also could feel myself passing clots all through the journey however when I arrived at a&e the pain stopped completely. I was put on IV fluids ( not sure why) and the doctor asked if he could examine me internally to see whether my cervix was still dilated which he did do. Whislt doing this he could still see some pregnancy "tissue" which he removed.. It was a truly awful experience however I think with my history of fainting they wanted to intervene.. Once this was done I was allowed home.. Iv had two previous MC however this was the worst both emotionally and physically. Really hope your okay. Have u had any scans?
I've had 2 scans that both showed no sac or any signs of a baby except a very thick living of my womb, my HCG was doubling every 2 days so i was booked for a rescan next Friday but started bleeding Tuesday night, ive had no pains apart from last night and today im getting cramping but no where near as severe as last night, it was like being in labour.

Im just concerned that no clots it tissue has come out unless it went straight into the toilet in the night but im sure i would have felt it x
You may be very early to detect anything so don't give up hope. You would definatly know if you had passed any large clots. Do you know roughly how far you should be? I also suffered a chemical pregnancy in August- id got a positive test however started bleeding a couple of days after. I went to the EPAU where they scanned me but they couldn't see anything. They called it a very early miscarriage however in terms of bleeding it was just like I had came on my period xx
I should be 6 weeks at least. My last period was 27th December, but i have long cycles between 33 and 40 days.

The last time my HCG was checked was 15th Feb and it was at 625 so if that continued to double i should have been over 4000 by the time i had my scan this Tuesday but still nothing showed. They were worried it was ectopic potentially, as i have the copper coil in place xx
Hmm I would contact your early pregnancy unit and ask for an emergency scan.. I know the one nere me is only Monday-Friday though. I have no experience with eptopic pregnancies however I have read they can be serious. X
I have just passed a large clot with lots of white tissue in so i am hoping that is the worst of it now and i won't need any medical intervention.

Thankyou for your help Hayley xxx

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