Another question, when getting contractions when do you call the hospital? And when do you make your journey in?
See my problem is when in labour with my daughter they kept telling me i wasnt contracting when i thought i was , so wen to 8 & 1/2cm on paracetmol
See my problem is when in labour with my daughter they kept telling me i wasnt contracting when i thought i was , so wen to 8 & 1/2cm on paracetmol
You are my hero!
Thank you everyone, still getting pains, unfortunately not any less than 10 mins apart but very uncomfortable and agitated constantly. Came home to bed at 7pm until around and 10pm then went to the supermarket and walked the dog.
Mum is saying I'm very much so what she was like early stages of labour so we will see where this leads! (Probably nowhere!) my son is a tease!!!