Having contributed to a thread a while ago about the implant you will get differing opinions on good or bad. Some people have some horror stories to tell and others think it is the best thing but it will be different for everyone so best to do you research and maybe give it a go for yourself to see how it is for you.
I would give it a mixed review. I have had 3 implants, one after the other. The first 2 I had next to no problems with after the initial transition. Yes I was a moody cow bag for the first few weeks and was pretty spotty but then I was also in my mid to late teens and therefore could have been unrelated, lol. I either had very light period or no period at all. The third implant I had was a different brand and I seemed to have trouble from the start. I do wonder though if 6 years on, my body was just getting fed up of it. I started to spot for weeks on end and then not have a period for a few months. I also found that I started to get hormonal migraines on the odd occasion I did have a period. I only had that implant in for just over a year before having it out. Gave myself a couple of months rest and then went onto the pill until we tried to concieve.
Also don't let the needle size put you off as they are inserted under local anesthetic so you don't feel anything but a scratch. I had an issue with my second implant removal due to it being badly inserted by an inexperienced doctor but it still was not painful, I just had an impressive bruise for a few days. Hope that helps.