Contraception - Sterilisation (ttc'rs, please dont read)

glitzyglamgirl said:
Its absolutely your desicion and no-one elses, but as others have said you have to be so so sure its exactly the right choice for you.

Im 32 and my cylces rule my life - 3 weeks of severe PMT followed by a week of agonising cramps, its always been this way and after we have a baby I want to have it all taken away, no more babies and no more periods. But.....a part of me still wants to hold on to the possibility of having another baby further down the road.

Another option is to try a coil for 5 years - you wont have to think about it or worry about for 5 years, and then when it comes around to having it replaced or removed, you might be more sure of your choice.

I wouldnt recomend depo prevera to anyone, its evil nasty stuff :evil:

I just would like something more permenant. It makes me feel like I am in control of my future.
lauramumof2 said:
libs said:
Why do you think it would bother us TTCers? This is your body and your decision. :hug:

I didnt want to be insensitive.

Well thank you :D
But you know how the minute someone tells you not to read something... :twisted: :rotfl:

One thing I would add is make sure that you're sure - my DH was sterilised after 3 children with first partner. Now it's too late for a reversal and so we're having to use a donor. Be sure that if - by any chance (we can't see the future :? ) - you could end up with a different partner in 10 years time that you wouldn't want that one more to make it complete.

Well thank you :D
But you know how the minute someone tells you not to read something... :twisted: :rotfl: [/quote]

Me too :rotfl: but really laura we don't mind. You just do what makes you feel ok but don't leap into anything :) :hug:
Thanks for your replies, its interesting to hear other peoples views.

My appointment with the gyn isnt till the end of July so i will keep you updated.

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