Contraception after birth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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i dont trust the breast feeding one either lol and there is no chance in hell that i'm having anymore! After i had millie i went on a 'mini pill' safe when breast feeding but after reading the leaflet that it wasn't as protective as the 'full' pill i used condoms as well so waste of time really lol
look midna..james aint wanna go near you so u dont have to worry bout contraception...teehee

no jsut kidding at hosp.. mw will ask u what u intend on doing.. and will give you leaflets and advise..and can also tell you what day the family planning clinic is on
After 6 weeks you can take the mini pill.. (progesterone only).. They will be able to give you a prescription at your 6 week check... I would therefore assume that you can also have the injection too because that is also progesterone only, although be prepared to have your sex drive die a hideous and painful death on the injection... they have been looking into it as a way to reduce the sex drive in pedo's and rapists... so that's saying something.

trust me between the baby being born and you having your 6 week check, you won't be having sex that much because it will feel like you have had a brillo pad for a vibrator stuck up there.... even if you can start getting happy again it will probably be around the 4 week mark and well a pack of condoms will suffice until your postnatal check at 6 weeks.

Why don't you want to use the coil again? I had it before I got pregnant, but I'm in two minds about whether I will have it again... mainly cos it hurt like hell having in it put in and taken out. :think: So I was just interested...
If you're anything like us, one pack of condoms will last you waaaaay past the 6 week check :(
I use the mini pill because im still breastfeeding. Just remember to take it at the same time everyday!
well, firstly u probably wont need contraception for about 3 weeks- "get the fuck away from me!" will be ur contraception LOL.

i just started the mini-pill this week, i'v relied on the breast-feeding method so far and its worked for me! if u fully BF its 98% effective for the first 6 months- more so than condoms! (*disclaimer* doesnt work for everyone! it has for me but dont wanna big it up too much and be to blame for any accidents lol)
Ive been using the withdrawel method and it has alwasy worked for me,i dont take hormones cos they make me go mental.
You could try the Implanon implant - safe for breastfeeding and lasts 3 years. Apparently it is more effective than the pill as it doesn't rely on you having to take it correctly, plus its not affected by antibiotics or sickness/diarrhoea.

I had it done about 7 weeks after giving birth and it was pretty straightforward. The only probs are it might give you heavy periods but obviously you don't know until you've had it in a few months.
midna said:
Ewww I forgot about periods I thought that horrible time of the month was a distant memory... :wall:

bah me too... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: That's what I loved about my coil... shame it hurt when you had sex sometimes though.. there was another reason not to have it again... dunno about the implant.. sounds good although does it mess up your sex drive too.. :think:

I'll never trust the withdrawal method though... that's what we tried the couple of months before I got pregnant... hahahahahah :rotfl: We had to wait three months before we actually started TTC again and well... condoms are a pain to use... So much for withdrawal... but the man can release sperm before ejaculation.
I find sleep deprivation is a wonderful contraceptive ;)

ETA: It's been about 6 months since I last had wtf do I know lol.
I got the implanon put straight in and had no periods til I got it taken out again :D
my doc recommended the mini pill. Going to get the prescription this week. I'm fully breastfeeding but it's no guarantee. Def don't want another for a good few years! Need my body, relationship, identity back for a bit!

I dont know what to suggest after we had Kiara we didnt use nething because we wanted to let things happen and if we got pregnant then it was menat to be and 8 months later exclusivly breast feeding i got pregnant then after Kadyn i got my tubes tied!!
I know i hated condoms havent used them in almost 5 years lol , i got pregnant on the pill with Kiara but havent used nething else??
Hope you find somthing that suits you if your nething like Bernie and i we had sex 1-2 weeks after with both kids :D
HV just said that you can get a bundle of condoms at the clinic to keep you going until you see the doc - Frankly the thought of that at the moment (2 weeks after the birth!) makes me shudder! lol!

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