Consultant Appts & Growth Scans


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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I just got a letter in the post from my hospital with 3 consultant appointments at 24, 28, and 35 wks and 2 growth scans booked in for 28 and 35 wks. I was a bit confused as at my midwife appointment last week she said I didn't need to see the consultants as everything was fine.

So now I'm worried, I'm so happy that I get 2 more scans after my 20 week one next friday and get to see Roo so much. I can only guess that my bmi is high enough to warrant consultant appointments.

What does this mean in terms of labour? Can I still have my own plan, like a water birth? What happens at consultant appointments? xx
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I am one point over on the recommended BMI, so I checked with the midwife about my options for the birth as I want a Water Birth at a Birthing Centre and she said as long as I understood the risks of doing this they actually couldn;t stop me. Then she said that she was sending me to a consultant anyway so he can tell me the risks.

We have 2 hospitals round our way Poole general which has the full on dogs wotsits maternity unit where the do c Sections this has a birthing centre but is apparently rarely open them we have Bournemouth Hospital about 5 - 10 mins away in an ambulance which doesn;'t have facilities for C Sections but has a dogs wotsits Birthing centre which is always open, i am opting for Bournemouth I think.

You can have whatever birth you want it's your baby they just like you to know the risks which is fair enough.
I got referred to the consultant for a high bmi - in that my bmi is 32. The consultant said I'd need to have the diabetes blood test at 28 weeks but otherwise discharged me back to midwives.

I wouldn't worry about it, just take it as an opportunity to get more scans :) it was probably some admin error that will be sorted when you next see the midwife anyway x
Oh thank u furbaby, I will have a looksy at th thread in a mo. my bmi might be about 35ish using an online bmi calculator. Just looking forward to getting see Roo a couple more times :) xx
I'm consultancy led due to my age. I'm also being monitored twice a Week by midwife for my blood pressure, as it can be a little high at times. I also have another scan next Week @ 28 Weeks and check up including bloods again and another scan @ 35 Weeks. Had midwife appt this morning, where bubbas heartbeat was listened to again and was loud and strong :)

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