Consultant appointment tomorrow! *updated*


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Appointment went well! Consultant seemed pleased with everything and has given the green light on a natural birth. He felt the baby and said she is measuring bang on for dates and he asked if I felt she was big to which I said I don't feel she is any bigger than my son if anything she feels smaller and he said they usually go by what we think cos mum knows best! My fundal height is 34cm so bang on for what it is meant to be. She is head down and starting to engage so I'm on the right track at least :D Took a while to find her heartbeat which scared me even though I knew she was fine because I had felt her move 2 mins before but got there in the end loud and clear :D I've been told I'll have to labour in hospital because they have to monitor the babies heart rate to see if there are any signs of scar rupture. The chance of rutpure happening though is less than 1% so I'm hoping I'm not that unlucky! All in all I'm pleased and really hope it goes well this time. Got another appointment at 39 weeks but I think I'll be living off curry from 37 weeks :lol:

Can't believe it's been 14 weeks already since my last one :shock: so tomorrow I'm guessing will be the final appointment before having the baby and it's to finally discuss my options for the birth. I had a c section with Aaron so am consultant led care this time but my consultant seemed very set on me going for a natural this time. I'm hoping it all goes to plan! I've also got to discuss the size of the baby on instruction from my midwife as she thinks baby is a good size as she puts it :lol: just hoping that if he agrees it doesn't affect my chances of having a natural birth. Hoping for it all to be positive talk tomorrow, it's at 2.30pm so will let you all know how it goes!
Oooh good luck with the appointment :D

Fingers crossed you get the green light for a natural birth :D And definitely let us know who it goes :)
Yayyy :cheer: :cheer:
/Glad everything is well & you get to try a natural birth.

Hope everything continues smoothly.

Oooo good news for you :)

So pleased you can try for a natural birth :)

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