consultant and growth this morning good news


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2010
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well went in for my final growth scan this morning, bubs is estimated to weigh only 5lb 5oz so has put a small amount of weight on in last two weeks but the best bit is I actually got to see my consultant instead of a registrar today and he has given me a sweep and booked me in for induction next tuesday 7/12/10:dance::dance:

He insists that he wants me to get my VBAC and because LO is still so small wants to get me started off as naturally as possible! My cervix is very soft and has started to efface (shorten up) but is still quite posterior (towards the back) but all in all it looks as if things might have started off on there own this week anyway so he hopes I'll have had LO before the weekend!

Not had much in the way of pains as yet but I do feel like I am now getting lots of pressure down towards my cervix, LO has been quite quiet over last 24 hours so fingers crossed I might get going!!!:dance:
Ooh yay for growth!! And how great of your consultant, hopefully that sweep will get things going! Fingers crossed for you :)
well went in for my final growth scan this morning, bubs is estimated to weigh only 5lb 5oz so has put a small amount of weight on in last two weeks but the best bit is I actually got to see my consultant instead of a registrar today and he has given me a sweep and booked me in for induction next tuesday 7/12/10:dance::dance:

He insists that he wants me to get my VBAC and because LO is still so small wants to get me started off as naturally as possible! My cervix is very soft and has started to efface (shorten up) but is still quite posterior (towards the back) but all in all it looks as if things might have started off on there own this week anyway so he hopes I'll have had LO before the weekend!

Not had much in the way of pains as yet but I do feel like I am now getting lots of pressure down towards my cervix, LO has been quite quiet over last 24 hours so fingers crossed I might get going!!!:dance:

Ohh I had a sweep today and sound similar to you so fingers crossed that things will happen x
Oh brilliant news, fingers crossed you get your VBAC hun - great on growth too.

My last was 5 lb 15 oz, and they still seem big when they come out, but yours will seem huge compared to the size of your last tiny prem baby!

good luck
That's good news, hopefully you'll see your baby soon!
yay good luck kellylou hope things get started for you xx

I'm still not getting any contractions but I am really uncomfortable and it feels like LO is trying to force his way out of me at times.

Any tips for getting things moving????

will keep everyone posted

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