

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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After the 3 poos Albert had yesterday morning, of normal consistency, he's now constipated. He had two more poos yesterday but they were more like modelling clay than peanut butter and today all he's done is one small hard rabbit poo.

I gave him some cooled boiled water last night and also gripe water which normally helps but it hasn't this time. Shall I just give him some more water in between feeds today....if so how much can I give? I think it's a bit early to call the quacks, 3 days I think they say to give it? xxxxxxxx
I would try a little bit of pure orange mixed with water too x
Thanks ladies. He doesn't normally suffer with constipation so wasn't sure what to give xxxxxx
We find that the vibrations of his bouncy chair helps also massaging his belly in a clockwise motion helps push it through!! Other than that what the other ladies said!!
Is the ratio for the orange juice 1oz to 1oz water?
We find that the vibrations of his bouncy chair helps also massaging his belly in a clockwise motion helps push it through!! Other than that what the other ladies said!!

OMG we do this with the

it works a treat every time :) xx
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Well he's had the OJ, he's now asleep with his feet up on towels and his nappy on loose so it doesn't press on his tummy. Get ready for a potential explosion mummy!
I only ever put 1 teaspoon in a whole bottle!

Max has had a random hard poo once n was back to normal after a few hours so sometimes it can be a one off!

P.s I can't believe how much Albert poos normally! Xxx
He is a major poop factory! If I could sell it as fertiliser I'd make a fortune lol
We find that the vibrations of his bouncy chair helps also massaging his belly in a clockwise motion helps push it through!! Other than that what the other ladies said!!

OMG we do this with the

it works a treat every time :) xx

It helped with his colic when he was tiny too and even now if he has trapped wind it works a treat!! We used to call it our poo bouncer coz of it!!
It's not worked :( had two more little rabbit poos and that's it. I've done the cycling with his legs, he's been kicking on his playmat most of the afternoon, I've had the vibe on his bouncer but it really pisses him off lol. He's feeding ok and has just taken another ounce of the diluted oj so we shall see. If he doesn't go by the morning I'll ring the quacks.
Another alternative to the OJ, is a sprinkling of sugar (like 1/4 of a tsp) in a couple of oz of water. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I've been having this problem with Abi - it was 3 days when I contacted the health visitors - they told me my gp wouldn't do anything until it was 7 - 10 days even though she was screamin the house down. This week it got to 6 days of no poo so I phoned - they then said 10 days was the earliest they would do something. (I think this it too long for a baby!!)
Advised the OJ thing - they said 20 parts water to one part OJ. So i made 30 ml of water to 1.5ml OJ. 3 drinks later, she had a small poo but not 6 days worth! Again nothing today. Hope it works for you xx
10 days????? Omg that's far too long surely! Hope she has a clear out soon. I'm pretty sure he'll only go when we are out and about, probably in the middle of tescos. Clean up on aisle four please :D
Tried the sugar water so fingers crossed! Hopefully it does more than just make him hyperactive lol
Haha bb! This is exactly what I'm worried about! I'm not sure she had 10 days right - it was 10 to 5 and quite obv she wanted to get home! Its so frustraing as we already have her on aptamil comfort which is meant to help!! Xx

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