Constant Solid bump-probs stress induced?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Yesterday was what u can call one of those days...third to last working days and my work has been manic getting things finalised and travelling mon/tues to see colleagues and handover. Worked from home yesterday, popped out to get things and came back to a disaster house....dogs trashed, the recycling bag I left out (oops!) ..... water and rubbish everywhere?!! Our spaniel then proceeded to cough and snot up masses of bloody grimness, went to vets-medicine given and then he came home and puked every 15minutes for hours!!! Turns out he had stolen a box of regal icing left on the side in my kitchen as well and had a massive sugar overload. From yesterday afternoon and even now my bump is rock much so that I thought baby might be on their way but think it was just stress induced BHs? got MW and health visitor today so will get her to check me over. Sorry for rambling post, just felt the need to write it down. Oh and I scared OH and told him I thought baby was coming early last night which was mean but I did think that little do of ours might have kicked things off with his antics!
Oh bless you, that does sound like a rough day, i hope today goes a bit smoother for you xx
What a rubbish day :( have a word with mw hunny!! Hope u have a better day today :hugs: xx
Hope you have a better day today
Yesterday sounded like a hetic day. x
Hope today is better and all goes ok with mw. Take it easy today if you can and put your feet up hun. You deserve it! x

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