Constant Crying - Help!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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My LO seems to constantly cry during the day she cries more than she plays, she never used to be like this. Just in the past week she is constantly wingeing and crying I know she's tired but just wont sleep, I hold her , rock her but it just doesn't make any difference.

I'm going mad i don't what to do. She also does it when we go out to relatives's houses and now my OH is having a go at me cause of it.
First of all :x at your OH, Men!!! :roll:

:hug: Its so hard when they cry a lot isn't it. Is she bottle fed? if so is she draining all her bottle, maybe she needs it upping? has she got lots of activity toys to play with cos it could be boredom, i know Jack can be like that.
Kiranxxx said:
I'm going mad i don't what to do. She also does it when we go out to relatives's houses and now my OH is having a go at me cause of it.

Lil miss is like this... but mainly because she needs constant stimulation and a change of scenery.. She can hold her head up now so we have taken to putting her in the sling, kangaroo style and walk around with her so she can see everything.

As for relatives houses... its unfair that your OH should blame you. Lil miss is more wingy when we are had DH's parents. But they live alone, have no kids and well their house is boring so to speak... yet my parents have my brother and sister, the house is packed with nick nacks and well its very interesting and she has constant entertainment, so she doesn't winge as much.

Its hard to do... (and boy do I know it) but you need to keep them entertained... :wall: :wall: :wall:
Joe would go through this and it always seemed to be before he was about to do something big like crawling etc. It could be frustration ir she could be coming down with something, back teeth.

Its very very hard to put up with the constant crying all day long and I really do sympathise with you but even though it doesnt seem like it, it will get better.
Thanks, another thing she also cries when she is being fed (some feeds not all), she will have a little then start crying for no reason then I have to pick her up and feed her then sit back down, does anyone's else's baby do this?

I've noticed she stops crying when I put her on my breast she only needs 2 minutes then she's knocked out, the thing is I'm not breast feeding but she just wants my breasts.
Is when she crying arching her back and clinching her fists and trying to get her knees close to her tummy? If she is it might be colics. You can try Infacol (was crap for us) or Colief (worked fantastic) :hug:
She doesn't have a dummy (I'm reluctant to give her one) and she's already taking Infacol.
Sounds like she's using ur breast as a soother so maybe a dummy might help?
Kiranxxx said:
Thanks, another thing she also cries when she is being fed (some feeds not all), she will have a little then start crying for no reason then I have to pick her up and feed her then sit back down, does anyone's else's baby do this?

I've noticed she stops crying when I put her on my breast she only needs 2 minutes then she's knocked out, the thing is I'm not breast feeding but she just wants my breasts.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry lil miss does that too but I am booby feeding... she will feed...then get grumpy...or mess with the nipple or just come I will wind her, and put her in the sling/cot etc.... 10 secs later shes throwing a fit. I pick her up stick the boob in her gead, two sucks and shes asleep... drives me mad :wall: :wall: :wall:

Problem is I don't know how much shes eaten, and some times, I wind her and she feeds some more... you just can't tell :think:

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