Confused and need abit of advice please


Apr 28, 2011
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i recently had my period on April 6th and slept with my partner unprotected 4 times in 1 night on the 17th/18th April, everything seemed fine until Saturday 23rd when i experienced what is called "spotting", it was dark brown in colour and lasted no longer than 24hours in total, i didn't experience any cramps like i would normally on getting a period. After experiencing the "spotting" i have been getting mild menstural cramps but nothing too painful in my lower abdomen, constant feeling of being bloated, the odd sensation in my breasts, headaches every day, tiredness/finding it hard to get out of bed in a morning and very slight nausea. I took 2 HPT and both as i suspected came back negative with it being too early, I am eager to try another test soon but when i calculated my period is not due till May 8th, Which is the best early HPT i can buy that might just pick up my hCG levels before a missed period? I have never experienced anything like this before so any information, advice would be greatfully recieved
A number if ladies favour the first response early ones. There seems to be contention over the clear blue plus ones possibly giving false positives. You can also get the Internet cheapies which are meant to be quite sensitive, I think they are called One Step. I know I keep them handy because they are cheap. If I got a hint of anything off them I would then try and confirm using bigger branded one.
Ok thank you. Would the first response pick it up if I did 1 today or am I best of waiting till next week? I'm really inpatiant lol.
I agree with Ninja, try a first response if you can. They pick up the pregnancy hormone 6 days before ur period is due... so u may still need to wait a couple of days!
Ok thanx for that. Think I may wait till sunday to do the FR test and see what that brings.
Because on Sunday I would be "3" weeks pregnant so hopefully the test will show a true reading, all failing that I'm going to wait till the day I am due my period and do another. Thanks girls :) x
That's pretty much what I would do. GL and FX for a BFP. FYI, if you do get a BFP we'll want to see pics :)

Sounds exactly like my symptoms.... I was so confused... Now I'm 12 weeks preggo... It possibly could have been implantation cramping and bleeding. Try First Response Digital!!! Its amazing!!!
Ok i will show you pics if i get a BFP lol dont worry..... im just eager atm to find out if i am or not, feel like im sat on eggshells as patiance is not one of my strongest points lol...... Had a terrible day with headaches and slight cramping today, the cramping is not painful dont get me wrong but its strange when it starts because it feels like im due on my period and im not! hmmmm..... Oh and dont let me forget the constant bloated feeling aswell as tiredness..... not had a good day today really lol....x
I think your pregnant.. I felt like I was going to get my period any second. I actually brought tampons to the bathroom with me and.... no period... The number one give away for me was sore nipples
I've not really had sore nipples, more sensitive and a bit achy around the outside, I can't take a test yet either, guess ill just have to wait another few days lol. Havin headaches again today and feel tired already x

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