Confused And Hurt


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
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Im just confused... ive worked it out that im only 4 wks- 4 n half weeks ..

and to be told that they cant see anything and its failing at that many weeks is bit odd, even tho they dont even no ho far i am cos they didnt no. they havent done a blood test for me since then 22nd nov thats when it was 1346 so i dont even know if its gone up or not

from my 1st scan on 16th nov was nothing at all there then the 22nd nov was a sac then agen on the 6th the sac n today still the sac, its grown but slowly. yet they say its failing

they said on my 1st scan it has to get to 25mm before u see the baby, so i still got a way to go as im only like 6-7mm

so i went to see the docs , and he just went i wont do a blood test as thers no need as uve been told is failed / failing and u will miscarry

im so confused.

i know few ppl in same situation as me aswell been told the same thing

can any one help me please
Sweetheart, first off, I'm very sorry you are going through this. I have had similar happen to me and it is not very nice.

How have you calculated you are only 4 weeks pregnant hun? If you were only 4 weeks pregnant then you would have conceived the baby roughly 2 weeks ago, and 2 weeks ago was the 29th November? You said you had a scan on 22nd and there was a sac implanted so you must have been pregnant for sometime before then?

When was your last period? Or when did you first get a positive test?

When they diagose that the pregnancy isn't viable they have strict rules. The fact that the sac hasn't grown significantly since it was first seen is not good sweetie. Plus, if you had a HCG level of 1346 on 22nd november it should have risen enough to see a baby and a heartbeat on the scan you had today. If it hasn't made it to this point and shown very little growth then they conclude that it isn't a viable pregnancy and you will miscarry. Sadly, sometimes the body doesn't recognise this and doesn't let go of the pregnancy for a long time. This is what happened to me.

I know it's truly awful and you must be very upset at the minute. I found it very difficult to deal with as well.

Big hugs xxxx
I can only echo what Torino is saying regarding ur dates ? I had this happen to me the sac grew for 3 weeks but only slight growth inside no bloods done but the sac was oddly shaped and it eventually started to colapse it's wat they call a blighted ovum in 2 weeks u should have had a lot more growth than u have done :-( I'm realy sorry that ur going through this and I to was in Denial didn't want to beleive it but I had to and I ended Jo with a erpc , hope ur ok and take it easy xx
My scan tuesday my sac was 16mm and I saw yolk sac and heartbeat. I know how hard it is to accept but they wouldnt say that without being sûre of it, and if they thought it still needs time to progress the epac would of done blood test. Sorry xx
Well When i miscarry it will be my 5th one, but im glad i have my 2 beautiful kids who never fail to make me smile
I'm sorry I know its hard but at least you have your two kids. This is my fifth preg and I have one son I'm hoping this preg turns out ok. Are you just waiting for it to happen naturally? x
yeh im just waitin , if it dt happen then i hav to go back
how many weeks are you now?
my friend was told hers was failing at 5 weeks. They told her to go in for a D an C she refused. She now has a healthy 2 year oldand aother on the way. I know its rare but dont give up hope yet. Is it possible you are just earlier then you think? x
also its rare to see anything on the scan at that stage let alone a heartbeat babe. i would ask for a 2nd opionin.
well everyone on here sayin im like 10 weeks im no where near that

cos on 16th nov they saw absolutely nothing and on the 22nd there was just a sac its just growin slowly

as my friend has only just turned 12 weeks and she concieved on 19th sept
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Dates can be very confusing and the way doctors count your weeks of pregnancy makes it even harder. In case it helps: Doctors count the weeks of pregnancy from the date of your last period (providing you have regular periods). You only conceive about 2 weeks after your period so when people talk about being 6 weeks pregnant, for example, you only conceived 4 weeks before, the first 2 weeks counted you weren't really pregnant. The earliest the sac shows on a scan is usually about 20 days after you conceive so when you had your scan on 16th nov you must have been pregnant already, it was just too early to show. Seeing as the sac was showing on 22nd nov it's likely that you conceived by the very begging of Nov, or close to 7 weeks ago, then the way pregnancy weeks are counted you have to add another two weeks, which would be about when you had your last period, if they are regular. That would make you at least 9 weeks pregnant.

I hope that helps clear up some of your doubts about dates. I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I know nothing I can say will take the pain of loosing your baby away.
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