Confused.. am i eptopic??


Jan 16, 2014
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Hi, I had a early emergency scan today as my HCG levels are not doubling, they suspected eptopic but no-one can give me any definate answers.. i am so confused. i refused the injection today. i have had no pains. slight bleeding. on my scan they advised me to have another scan in 10 days. the consulant was just ready to inject me there and then. i am in hope that my hormones are just a bit low :/ has anyone had any similar things happen?? there is no way i can have that injection if there is still hope. :( xx
firstly im so sorry you are going through this. second, if it was a healthy pregnancy your hcg should be double every 2 days or something. saying that tho, there was a girl on here whos hcg want going up by as much as it should and her pregnancy turns out to be healthy one. did they see a sac or anything? i dont think they would offer it unless they were sure it was an ectopic. if you do happen to start getting pains go in straight away, ive had one and it was so close to rupturing and that can be dangerous. if you need anything give me a pm :) hope it is good news for you tho hun xxx
This happened to me in june hun, started bleeding at 5+3, was scanned at 6 weeks and they couldn't see anything in my womb and cervix was closed. They treated it as 'pregnancy outside of the womb' and had to have bloods taken every 48 hours. My hcg were going up by 50% each time. I was also worried about the injection just in case they were wrong but at 6+5 i actually miscarried. I took the baby in and they said it was too formed to be ectopic.

Are you in any pain? Do you know how far along you are and your levels? I was supposed to be 6 weeks pregnant and my levels were in the hundreds xxxx
I have just literally 4 days ago suffered from an ectopic and my fallopian tube had ruptured. I experienced pain and was approx. 5/6 weeks pregnant. My hormone levels were high and they still were not aware that I was bleeding internally until I had the operation. If I were you I'd say you were doing the right thing by waiting to monitor your blood levels but if you experience any pain be sure to see a doctor straight away. I hope everything goes well for you xxx
Thankyou everyone.. my HCG levels. have gone from 128 to 150 yto 178 which i know is only slightly but to me it means that something is still happeneing. i am only very very early maybe 4 weeks. i have had slight bleeding for 6 days now (bright red). the scan was to early to show anything. i am not in any pain whatsoever! the docters are saying to have the injection because they "dont know" which is not good enough for me! i want to know i done everything in my power to give it a fighting chance.. i have suffered miscarriages and me and my partner have 4 children between us. this was our last chance so i want to fight :) xx
I had similar in January of last year was 5-6 weeks, levels slowly rising 650, 690. Had bloods every 48hours, couldn't see anything on scan, diagnosed pregnancy of unknown location, discussed giving me methotrexate but because I had no pain they let me continue with bloods, eventually bloods took a slight dip approx 550, so they let me wait it out - finally bleed at 7 weeks never passed baby they think I may have absorbed the pregnancy.

Hope you are ok? Really scary time, felt like didn't know what to expect. Big hugs, look after your self x
if they dont know defo dont do it until its 100% x i hope things work out well for you and your oh and i would fight too ;) xxx
It's good that you aren't having any pain, i was the same. Hope you're ok xxx
I have another scan on fri 24th.. so hopefully that might show some more! :/ i keep getting excited then upset again. its just the not knowing. my OH is great i can see its killing him but he is trying to be strong for me. we have now told family (which we didnt want to do till 12 weeks) but considerin the circumstances. thankyou for all your support and advise it really helps :) xx:)
I had ectopic back in march last year. I had what I thought was a normal at but it didn't stop... 3 days after i should have finished I took a test and got a very faint bfp. I had no pain at that point. Docs refered me to epu... Levels were really low... 150... After 2 sets of bloods, the highest they went to was 350ish... Scan revealed nothing there, and in the week of bloods I started getting horrible pains... All focused on my right side. I had methotrexate, but I just knew in my heart of hearts there was something wrong.

Good luck, fingers crossed for your next scan x
My levels are 2287, they can't see anything and suspect I'm ectopic. I've been told yes then no so many times these last two weeks and I'm heart broken. They raised 100 in the last 24 hours, got to have repeat bloods on Thursday but I'm scared. Nothing can be seen on scans, I had a heavy bleed for 24 hours on 23rd Jan, ovaries look fine and uterus is empty...I'm so scared, I've had no steady pain, just the odd bit every now and then that comes and goes, lasting only a little while each time. I feel so crappy xx
Aww twinkletoes :( it's horrible being in limbo. Thinking of you xxx

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