Been TTC since June, and found out I have a luteal phase of 9 days, as I OV day 19, so taking Agnus Castas for 3 weeks. This month I OV on day 14 and we really went for it BD and now 6DPO.
However, I have what seems like AF pains, tingly breasts(but not sore), sharp tummy cramps keeping feeling sick, feel like I going to get a cold and Indigestion for the past 3 days.
Could these be pregnancy signs or if luteal phase is still 9 days then I'll be due this coming Monday instead of Sat 13th.
Help (feeling so sick)
Been TTC since June, and found out I have a luteal phase of 9 days, as I OV day 19, so taking Agnus Castas for 3 weeks. This month I OV on day 14 and we really went for it BD and now 6DPO.
However, I have what seems like AF pains, tingly breasts(but not sore), sharp tummy cramps keeping feeling sick, feel like I going to get a cold and Indigestion for the past 3 days.
Could these be pregnancy signs or if luteal phase is still 9 days then I'll be due this coming Monday instead of Sat 13th.
Help (feeling so sick)