confused about pregnacare


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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I went to the docs today and he booked me an early scan to check the viability of the feotus cos of my missed miscarriage earlier this year,

anyway he asked me if i was taking folic acid, and i told him i was taking pregnacare, he said i shouldnt take this as it contained an iron supplement that would more than likely cause sickness unnessesarily (sp)

so i'm totally confused now, as i thought i was doin better by takin the extra vitamins etc.. when the doctor has said that i dont need any vitamins other than folic acid

has anyone else taken pregnacare thru out their pregnancies? and were you sick thru your pregnancies at all?
i only took folic acid with ryan but assumed more vitamins were better not worse.

sorry for the long post but he's made me panic more now, wondering if pregnacare say they can be taken from before conception thru pregnancy just to sell more packs?
Hiya, i have taken Pregnacare since i found out i was pregnant and have told the obstetrician, midwife and Dr about taking it and none of them have said that it is wrong to take it. I havent had one bit of sickness, the only nausea or anything that i have had is gagging when i brush my teeth and i dont think they would be able to call themselves pregnacare if there was something in it that causes unnecerssary(sp?) sickness.

I would keep taking it and if you are sick then maybe think about changing it to see if it stops.

I took folic acid only for the first trimester, then switched to Pregnacare from the second trimester. The only reason I did this, was because our pg was unplanned, and I didn't know about pregnacare at the time, I didn't even know to take folic acid until I came onto the forum.

I haven't felt sick at all though since taking pregnancare, not sure what everyone elses experiences may be?

Try not to worry too much, if it was bad for you they wouldn't sell it, I would have thought the sickness reaction woudl differ for different people anyway?!

I have taken Morrisons equivalent of Pregnacare (identical ingredients) since I found out (week 5).

I've had no sickness altogether.

And if you do suffer sickness and you are taking Pregnacare at least you will be getting nutrients to baby even if you can't keep alot down.
I'm taking the Sanatogen equivalent and have no sickness.

Not wishing to be rude to doctors, but I don't take anything they say regarding pregnancy seriously - midwives know a lot more where pregnancy is concerned. When I was pregnant with Maddie I asked my GP about the Sanatogen 'ProNatal' vitamins and he said I shouldn't take ANYTHING but folic acid as some of the vitamins can be harmful to the baby. He didn't have a clue what he was talking about as he no doubt meant vitamin A which isn't even in the ingredients. I asked my MW at the time and she said it's perfectly fine to take it as long as I continued to eat healthily.

I took Pregnacare for the whole of the first tri. I told my doc and my midwife & they both said it was good to take extra vitamins if I didn't have a particularly varied diet. I was only sick for about 3 weeks, but the sickness started before I even knew I was pregnant so I don't think it's related to the Pregnacare.
I am taking Pregnacare and have been doing since TTC over 6 months.

I have never been sick. I have the odd bout of feeling a bit off but that's just hormones nothing to do with the vitamins.

You'll be fine taking them. They even advertise them in the Bounty pack that your midwife gives you so they can't be bad.

Charm X
im taking pregnacare and told my mw and she said it was fine, agree that sometimes docs dont know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to pg, trust the mw more i would say. my doc said i could have a smear while pg and when i asked my mw she said NO WAY! :roll:

i think the sickness can be a side effect if you take pregnacare on an empty stomach, ive been taking it for about 8 months now and never been sick apart from my morning sickness but it differs for everyone.

I've been taking pregnacare since i found out i was pg. I'd rather feel a bit sick but give peanut al the vits and mins he needs than not. My diet isn;t great so at least i know peanut is getting what he needs.

As for the iron, i have a history of anaemia do i would rather take it now than wait for the midwife to tell me to take it later on.

If that makes sense??

i am taking pronatal ( sanoatogen equivolent) and have spent the last 9 weeks puking but both doc and m/w know I am tking then and said nothing. As far as i'm concerned i fully intend to contiune taking them to ensure my baby gets the vits i need esp on the bad days.
As for my iron levels, when i had my bloods back my iron levels were really good but my stores of iron were borderline so i may end up even having to take iron on top of what I am taking anyway dependant on results of blood test at 27 weeks
thnks girls, i think that i never intended to stop takin them i just wanted some reassurance really, i bought some more while i was out today so your reassurance must of worked :) thanks everyone
I dont think docs know a great deal about this. My consultant told me i would have to take 5mg of folic acid after i lost my baby. She suggested i took it indefinatly. You can only get this from docs as its much higher than recommended dailey dose but when i went to my docs she wrote me a perscription for one month and said my consultant may want to change it as you should take such a large amount each day. This is the opposite to what my consultant told me. She said it would do no harm at all as its just a vitamin and any excess that the body didnt need would simply be passed out of the body causing no harm.

So i wouldnt pay that much attention just make sure you get your folic acid.

I'm taking the Tesco equivalent and I've been fairly nauseous but then I was the same the first time. I'll keep taking the vitamins for the time being unless my mw tells me not to :)
i took pregnacare all throughout pregnancy and was still very sicky! :think:
Emma22 said:
i think the sickness can be a side effect if you take pregnacare on an empty stomach

That might be true, It usually says on the pack that you should take with food.

I always have 2 slices of toast for brekkie so I eat one slice, then take tablet, then eat the other slice! :D
I take pregnacare and havent been sick once. Got mine in bulk from ebay :)
My midwife told me that Pregnacare can cause sickness when I told her I was taking it. I stopped taking it when I was in the first tri and switched to Lamberts Strong Start Mum. I stopped feeling/being sick from then onwards, but as it was at 10 weeks so not sure if it was a coincidence or down to the pregnacare. :think:

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