Anyone on Pregnacare?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I'm thinking of taking Pregnacare because it contains other things like zinc and iron, unlike the normal folic acid pills. will I have to stop taking the folic acid I am taking now? and is it ok to just switch to a new tablet?
I swapped from taking only folic acid tablets from DR's to taking Pregnacare and my DR said that was fine as long as I get the recommended daily dose of folic acid it doesn't matter what tablets you take.
If not sure hun check with your MW :D
I went from taking folic acid to Sanatagen Pro Natel (pretty much the same as Pregnacare) for the same reasons, it had iron and zinc and a whole load of other stuff and my mw said it was fine. I started taking it at about 8 weeks and at 12 weeks my mw said my iron levels were fantastic so I guess it all helps :D
thanks ladies it should be alrite for me to take it. thanks for the advice
i take Pregnacare, i know its not the same because im TTC and not pregnant. Just thought id say that i got 3 packs for £11 including pandp on ebay :wink: I usually pay about £7 or £8 per pack.
Someone told me the other day that I should take folic acid with vit c as the iron in plain folic acid tablets doesn't
get absorbed as well without the vit c has anyone else heard this? :think:
Iron needs vitamin C to help it to absorb.

I take Sanatogen Pro Natal, as I noticed it had a higher level of folic acid and also has calcium, which I don't think pregnacare has.

I also use Spatone, two satchets a day in fresh orange to boost my iron stores, and although my iron levels are fine, since I started on the Spatone I've felt less tired.

The iron in Spatone is not like a iron tablet, any extra that your body doesn't need will get flushed out your body, so no worries about iron poisoning! This is the same as folic acid, it'll get flushed out if not required!
madam bully said:
I went from taking folic acid to Sanatagen Pro Natel (pretty much the same as Pregnacare) for the same reasons, it had iron and zinc and a whole load of other stuff and my mw said it was fine. I started taking it at about 8 weeks and at 12 weeks my mw said my iron levels were fantastic so I guess it all helps :D

drat wish i thought of that :)

im on iron tablets :(

whats spatone and where to get it? be ok on iron tablets too wont it :)
I took pregnacare when I was pg with Eva and when I was breastfeeding. I thought they were great. I felt good and Eva was a good weight for being 3weeks early (7lb5)

I'm going to take it again when I TTC next time xx
enn said:
madam bully said:
I went from taking folic acid to Sanatagen Pro Natel (pretty much the same as Pregnacare) for the same reasons, it had iron and zinc and a whole load of other stuff and my mw said it was fine. I started taking it at about 8 weeks and at 12 weeks my mw said my iron levels were fantastic so I guess it all helps :D

drat wish i thought of that :)

im on iron tablets :(

whats spatone and where to get it? be ok on iron tablets too wont it :)

Hi Enn,
Spatone is a welsh spa water that is naturally high in iron. My pal put me onto it, her husband has kidney failure and the spatone actually helps him maintain his iron levels better than iron tablets!

You can get it in Boots, or at the spatone website (just google Spatone)!

The website is brill and will be able to answer your questions!


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