Confirmed Today...


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Hello Girls.

My miscarriage #3 was confirmed today. My hCG was 710 on Friday at 4 weeks 6 days, and was down to 188 today. I am very sad, and feel that I have lost another child. Here is a poem I thought I'd share. For those of you going through the same. We need to keep our chins up girls, when it is the right time, it will happen. There is hope for all of us!

Sweet Heavenly Child

Tiny baby, in my heart,
I ache to hold you near...
before I even knew you,
I felt your presence here.

Inside my womb I kept you,
ever peaceful from the storm...
I knew that you were always safe
and I knew that you were warm.

I never thought I'd lose you
before I saw your face...
but I know that you are happy
and living in a better place.

God must have spared my baby
from some unknown tragedy...
I know He'd never be unkind
or bring hurt and pain to me.

The days ahead will try me
as I come to terms with grief...
but through it all, there's comfort,
and God is my relief.

He'll hold me in His arms awhile
and shelter me with care...
time will take away the pain,
but the love will still be there.

hun im so sorry ive never been through this once never mind three times.
That poem gave me goosbumps and really touched my heart.,.
I hope all you girls trying and have had miscarriages get your baby soon.
Take care and keep your chin up.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, it's tragic. That is a lovely poem. You're right, it will come to everybody who is waiting when the time is right, my thoughts are with you xxx
That is a lovely poem the words are so true and I relate them all to my 3 miscarriages. You take care and yes your day, mine and all those other people who have lost will come.

Love and thoughts


That poem is so touching. Thinking of you and your angel.
I'm glad the poem touched you girls. I know I cried my eyes out reading it. Feeling a bit better about things. DH and I are in a bit of a tif with each other. We haven't been speaking much...I guess this is just his way of dealing. :) I'm sure everything will work out.
so sorry for your loss, the poem is so touching x
im so sorry for your loss hun your in my thoughts xxxxx
Im so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

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