Concerns HCG and Miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Miscarriage Confusion HCG

I went to my local EPAU on sat after going to my gp on friday with bleeding (no cramps) got scanned and there was nothing in my uterus I had already suspected the worst already was poss 5 - 6 weeks. They took bloods then told me to come back today so they can take more. So results on Sat were Progesterone was 9.7, and HGC was 130. Then today got my results again fully expecting the HCG to drop and its risen to 163. This really confuses me and find it more upsetting as I was hoping to start to move on once it had gone back down. I am back in for bloods again on wed. But why is it not dropping yet? I did numerous preg tests from fri onwards and I am pretty sure they were getting lighter but how can the hcg go down, then up a bit? I am not under any false illusions that I am still pregnant based on the HCG, I am just concered as to what's going on with my body.. when will it be properly over!??

Can HCG drop then rise? I have not passed any clots etc, i was told it was because there is nothing to pass, bleeding hasn't been incredibly heavy, just a bit lighter than a period.
It unfortunately can be a sign of ectopic, are they getting you back in? Fx it resolves by itself

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hi Suze

I'm in exactly the same boat as you! I should have been 7+2 today but things havnt gone to plan

My hcg was 980 last tue, 1080 last thur and 1260 sat! They called me in thinking I'd got an ectopic but turns out they could find a mmc in my uterous (at least that's what they told me) i was given the drug to cause bleed and when i questioned the rise I'm hcg was told that sometimes because there is a sac there with a mmc your body will still create the hormone thinking its pregnant. The only way they can stop it is to give you the drug to block the progesterone or wait for the body to realise something's gone wrong

It's heartbreaking because you still have the symptoms and hope and know that it doesn't feel right! An emotional killer and I'm sorry your going through it xxx
Ps - I'm not sure of the answer to the question when will it be over because I'm like you - in havnt got a clue xx
Yes I am back in for more blood tests wednesday. I don't have any symptoms for ectopic as yet, fingers crossed when I go on wed, they will drop. Nurse mentioned something about not getting to the peak of the miscarriage yet??? But as I said I think my HCG must have dropped at some point as I got pregnant 2-3 weeks on clearblue and read online that you have to have a HCG of 200 which I don't have just.. argh! Its just stressing me out more. :(
I know how you feel! It's such an emotional wrench! I think once you know what's going on you just want it over with! Hopefully your bloods will drop on wed! I have my next ones tomorrow so hoping the same - if mine don't drop I've got to have the laparoscopy to see what's going on :-(!

Make sure to keep on at the epau if your not happy - that seems to work best! Good luck and I hope you don't have too much waiting to do xx
Sorry you are going through this ladies.
I.had a PUL(pregnancy of unknown location) but my HCG were over 3000 and then they dropped 2 days later so they werent concerned.
It does suck being in limbo let alone going through a mc

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hi I've had 2 mmcs now and both times I had very strong symptoms meaning my hcg was rising even after my baby heartbeat stopped at 7 weeks my body continued to think it was pregnant and the sac still grows I was even showing at 9 weeks but at 10 weeks a scan showed my worse fears yet again it's a cruel thing our body does to us letting us think we are still pregnant :-( , realy sorry ur goi. Through this xxx
Meant to say that also ur progesterone was realy low for pregnancy aswel I would have expected it to be obove 50 at that stage urs is very low and it has to be high to hold a pregnancy cos progesterone is what makes the linning of the womb stay in place xx
I know how you feel! It's such an emotional wrench! I think once you know what's going on you just want it over with! Hopefully your bloods will drop on wed! I have my next ones tomorrow so hoping the same - if mine don't drop I've got to have the laparoscopy to see what's going on :-(!

Make sure to keep on at the epau if your not happy - that seems to work best! Good luck and I hope you don't have too much waiting to do xx

Hope your test reveals a drop too. Do you think they will try another scan before going for a laparoscopy. It is really annoying the fact we have to go through this then having to wait, which is really what I didnt want. I want to try again and keep reading things about various things that can happen that will delay it even longer. I just really want to have a baby next year :( I think its quite hard when you get your results as its always over the phone, so I poss don;t think of all the questions I would have asked if it was in person.

Also it just I feel like we are spending all this time giving bloods, going to hosp (40 min round trip) to get what out of it? Nothing! :( I know its for our own health but I guess I just feel so peeved off and looking for something to blame. Did you take any time off work? I work part time so have taken only 2 days. Back wed when I still wont know whats going on with me. Hope no one annoys me! ha! :)
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Meant to say that also ur progesterone was realy low for pregnancy aswel I would have expected it to be obove 50 at that stage urs is very low and it has to be high to hold a pregnancy cos progesterone is what makes the linning of the womb stay in place xx

Oh really, I didnt know that, midwife didn't mention it. I have bled already, so my body must know that something is happening?

I had just had the implant out. So of course I am blaming that now.. :)
Who knows why these things happen but it's just horrible I hope ur hcg falls for you and u can begin to look forward again xx
Snap snap snap! It's nice to hear somebody feels just like me!

I think I'm on my 5th blood test in a week tomorrow lol! I've been off work since I started bleeding 11 days ago! I'm an emotional wreck so when I went for my first can last ties and there was an empty sac I got signed off for 2 weeks!! Don't know what's worse the boredom or fear of facing anybody!

I don't think they will scan me again because I ended up in hospital for 6 hours yesterday prepared for theatre! The consultant scanned me on the ward and basically told me that if the pessary I'd been given together with oral tablets didn't work that they would have to take me to theatre! To be honest I just wish they had done that yesterday and given me the d+c to get it over and done with because the tablets don't seem to be making any difference!

I think the people at work would be a welcome relief from the crap that has come out of some of my friends mouths the last week - you certainly realise who your friend are when your in this situation!

Wednesday seems like a long time to wait for another blood test?! Have you had much bleeding since sat? Xx
I had a blood test today, so every 48hours. Yeah been bleeding since Thursday, not as heavy as I have read some other people have had, seems to be tapering off but have dull period like cramps still. I only told my mum, dad, bro and manager at work (when I called in otherwise she wouldnt know) so no one else knows. I dont want to go back to work to be honest as I know all i will be thinking about is this, but I dont have anything physically wrong with me, and when it hits 7 days I would need a sick line, so if I was off wed that would be a full week (part time hours)

This is my first miscarriage, I know a good few friends that have had them and keep analysing what I have said in the past. I dont tend to give an opinion though I think, just listen, just hope I wasn't insensitve.

I have an 18 month old son, and naively I was thinking oh well I have a son already, so it wont happen. But yep it did. Now I am thinking, perhaps my son was a one off, perhaps I am not so lucky, then I am reading about ectopics and thinking the worst :(

I really need to stop feeling sorry for myself!

So why did they not go ahead with the surgery? Did you have to go back home?
Im sure that this is just a one off for you! The nurse in the hospital said to me yet are a common as a cold - not what I wanted to hear but I guess it has some truth

They didn't opp yesterday because the consultant believed the pregnancy was in the right place so now it's the waiting game!

You have every right to feel sorry for yourself! Xxx
Im sure that this is just a one off for you! The nurse in the hospital said to me yet are a common as a cold - not what I wanted to hear but I guess it has some truth

They didn't opp yesterday because the consultant believed the pregnancy was in the right place so now it's the waiting game!

You have every right to feel sorry for yourself! Xxx

So what are they waiting for with you?

Ive had a bad sleep keep thinking every ache is a sign of ectopic. Ive woken today with increased dull pain to the left of my abdomen. Argh stressing me out not sure if im being paranoid or not tho. Shall see if it comws to anything. Also decided to poas this morn hoping its,fainter and unfortunately its stronger, waa its growing in the wrong place :( apart from that im fine lol xx
I think they are waiting for the pills to make me bleed but I've still only got spotting today

I slept awful too! I just can't seem to stop trying - don't think it was helped by finding out yest that two friends are just announcing their pregnancies

I have got to drag myself out of bed to get to the hospital for 10 today!

I still have the on/off pains aswel! Make sure you call them and get in if the pain gets worse! They say there is only a 1% chance of ectopic so it's very rare! Lets hope you havnt got that! I think you wil prob end up like me with the pills if your bloods don't show a drop tomorrow! I might be able to let you know what's next if mine don't drop today xxx
Well hope everything goes smoothly for you today.

Cramping stopping more bleeding has arrived hmn was hoping it had stopped, perhaps its a good sig.

Im ok with crying, dont seem to do that as much just feel a little down. Guess we just want it over x
Hi Suze how are you feeling?

I went again today - they scanned me and said nothing left and also told me preg urine test was -ve - not sure if I believe them as didn't expect the hcg to disappear that quickly! Might do one myself tomo

I've had more bleeding today - no clots thankfully - guess its just a case of hoping it stops soon

Hope you get some good blood results tomorrow and that its not ectopic - good luck xxx

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