

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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What if the sack develops with no baby in it? Is that possible?
Hi Hun it is possible but it is rare, don't go through the next nine months worrying about every possibility. Worry if you have signs of something going wrong, that's natural and you can read some of my posts for evidence lol.
Too many possibilities don't let it spoil this time for you x
hmmm have you been googling!!! if so STOP IT, just chill out hunny i know it is a scary time but you cnt let all the little things get to you :hugs:
yes you can get it but there is nothing you can do to prevent it and iff women do get it, its due to a severe chromasonal abnormality in baby.

my advice is dont research all different things on net

only worry if u have cramping accompanied by heavy bright red bloodd and or clots, or sever pain to one side

otherwise stress will cause problems

also if u never have any pregnancy symptons or every single one dont worry and never compare yourself to any other pregnant woman we have all experienced things differently
Cramping on its own is perfectly normal! I was 6 weeks pregnant when i found out, and i had had cramping for a couple of weeks which i thought was my AF. Your uterus has to do lots of stretching to accommodate your growing baby, and that can be painful! I had to see an out of hours GP because i suddenly developed a sharp pain in my right hand side, which turned out to be nothing sinister and again normal, and he said that sharp pain aside, cramping is normal and really you only need to worry when its accompanied by bleeding. I have a rubbish body, so i've had cramping throughout my entire pregnancy. True not to worry though, it just makes it tougher until you get your scan

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