Completely Annoyed --need help


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi Girls...Hope you all are doing well...I thought of sharing this with you as I know its only you all who can understand...since I have got pregnant I have been having really a short temper..I am cranky and irritated all the time..I loose my cool on almost everything and have also been taking so much of work stress..

Everyone keeps telling me I have to do the opposite but its just my mind is out of my control..They keep saying I should be happy and enjoying but I dont know I am unable to..Is thr something wrong with me..or this is it hormones..Plz help and advise..
Sounds like hormones to me. I go from thinking everyone hates me to nearly ripping off hubby's head for not putting that banana peel in the food waste to thinking he's having an affair :roll: I can't wait to feel normal again lol

When do you finish work?
I've got very angry through this pregnancy, def hormones! I take it out on my daughter though and everytime i shout at her i think crap i really need this baby out so i can start being nice to her again!! The tears have only come the last few weeks, i didn't cry throughout the first 2 trimesters, it's only been this one and it's always over something stupid!! Hope you feel better soon x x
i get upset over everything. OH is going on a stagdue tomorrow and im already sure he will do the dirty! Even tho i have never doubted him before i got pregnant and he would never cheat on me :doh:
PREGNANCY is not good for the brain :D
i think this is weird.. i love my OH more than anything and i know he'd never do anything to hurt me but he was on his laptop one night and closed it quick when i walked in the room.. i thought hmmm whats he doing.. i was convinced he was cheating and then i got that upset he showed me and it was a suprise he was organising.. seeing his face after he knew i thought he was cheating killed me inside.. never again.. bloody hormones.. i really have to control them at times x
lol funny you should mention this, i have just snapped big time at a girl. outline of the story is a group of us are meant to be going to badmington horse trials, she texted everyone today saying "no children or friends please" so i freaked! just told her that she knew i would have the baby by then, i was going to stay in a hotel with baby, and she said "Well its probably too soon after you pop, maybe the year after for you" so i flipped at that comment telling her how rude and uneccessary she is then she came back with "dont get all hormonal on me" Which was it for me! i have just told her exactly what i think of her, how rude! i was a little out of order to begin with but i think i was mainly in the right, stupid not very understanding people. just felt like it was a personal dig at me! x
id say you have every right to go off on one at her.. How rude is she to say that. And its bad enough we know were emotional but to have someone else say it.. I say well done for telling her :) x
Thanks all..It really relieves me that its hormones and common..I just need my old self back..hope my hubby can tolerate me for remaining period..:) I am finishing work in Nov so started counted days now...Thanks again..:)

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