Coming unstuck

Browneyed Girl

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2012
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So after the joy of getting my bfp on Thursday it seems that it's all coming to an end. I used my second frer this morning and the line has faded :(

My oh is gutted and I hate seeing him so upset. I broke my own rules by testing early and using frer's but I needed to know as I have been ill and needed to take medication. I wonder if taking ibuprofen last weekend has caused this? It's really hard to take after ttc'ing for 21 months :(

The top test is from 2 days ago, the bottom test is today's:

hi sorry you are going through this. Try not to panic yet. have you had any bleeding? Could just be urine was more diluted. Iknow its hard but wait a couple more days and test again. Fingers crossed for you
Thanks can. Unfortunately it's the same test taken under the same conditions so I know something is definitely going wrong. It's weird though because if I hadn't tested I would've thought everything was fine as I still feel pregnant. I've not had any sign of bleeding yet but I think it will probably start in the next day or two xx
I admit, that would have me in a panic, but the bottom line is that those tests can have different amounts of dye in. Blood is the only way to tell what levels are doing. I really hope this just a urine glitch thing. Fx for you. X
Please try not to panic if I've had no bleeding the exact same thing happened to me I had a bfp and then 2 days later i had a bfn with the same test and I now have a beautiful healthly 5 week old little boy, it turned out my hcg levels had gone to high to register on the test properly xxx
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O and I was only about 5 weeks Aswell so wasn't deli far along xxx
I would head to the GP on Monday and get some blood tests... It's the only way you'll know what is going on.

Hun, I had a 3+ on a digi a day before losing my first bean @ 8w. Other ladies have had BFP's with the faintest of lines and go on to have healthy pregnancies.

Try not to freak out just yet!

Thanks everyone, it's really nice to have your support.

Your story has given me a little hope smnicholson - I'm glad your experience had a happy ending.

I know a blood test is the only way to find out for sure but we went down that route last time and it was an awful drawn out process. The other reason I don't want to go to the doctors is that we have spent the whole of this year going through tests and have finally been referred for assisted conception. We should get an appointment in the new year to get it started, if they know we have conceived we won't be eligible for treatment and would have to start the whole referral process again if we don't conceive after a year. Given that it's taken nearly 2 years to conceive this time and I'm 36 in February I don't want to risk that. The only consolation if I do lose this baby is that we won't be left to struggle on our own for such a long time so I don't want to put our treatment in jeopardy.

I've got a digi and on the off chance that frer was dodgy I might do it this afternoon? I guess if it gave a better result than the frer suggests eg 2-3 I might still be in with a chance?

Seriously stop testing, especially with a digi. They arent as accurate as you think and could just be giving you unnecessary worry. Get to the docs on monday pleeaaase xxx
I'd set a time period - maybe a week - and if no bleed then test again.

Chances are you'll get some lovely lines but if not then it might be time to go to Dr's??

I completely understand that you don't want to ruin your chances of assisted conception so I'd play it by ear.

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I'd set a time period - maybe a week - and if no bleed then test again.

Chances are you'll get some lovely lines but if not then it might be time to go to Dr's??

I completely understand that you don't want to ruin your chances of assisted conception so I'd play it by ear.


Thanks for your advice - I've rethought in light of what you've said and doing a digi today won't really tell me anything anyway. I'll see what happens over the next few days and test again on Friday if nothing's happened xxx
I've started bleeding today so I know the second test was right and my levels were falling. I'm upset that this is now my second mc which leads to all kinds of new questions I was hoping I wouldn't ever have to face - do I now have a recurrent mc problem, if it takes me forever to get pg again is it going to end in mc again...?

I am grateful that it's happened early though and that it's a natural mc this time (last time the mc took over 7 weeks from start to finish) and that I'm starting assisted conception soon.

I had worked out my EDD though and allowed myself to dream a bit and think I might actually have got my happy ending - a bfp in time for Christmas and a baby due a few months after my new house is built next year. I guess it was always too good to be true.

Sorry to hear this hun!

Most health trusts wont offer testing for recurrent miscarriage until you've had 3 losses.

I understand you don't want to confide in your GP, but in all likelihood you wouldn't get referred anyway so maybe it's best to stick to the plan of assisted conception.

I am sure when you go for your appointment they will ask if you have ever been pregnant before though and I would urge you to be honest, so they know what they are dealing with?? That is just my opinion though.

Keep well.

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They know I've been pregnant before as I had an erpc after my first mc so that is all documented. This mc was early enough that had I not been actively trying I might not have noticed as my period is only a few days late - I know that chemical pregnancies are very common and a normal part of fertility so I'm hoping that it doesn't mean anything sinister. I can't help wondering though if taking ibuprofen last weekend had anything to do with it but I could drive myself mad with that and not get any answers!

I feel very disappointed but I'm trying to take the positives, after nearly two years of trying you start to wonder whether you can conceive at all so it's given me a little bit of hope that it will happen.

Thanks xxxx
sorry to hear your news hun, keep looking forward to the new year and hopefully you will get more help and support. Please don't be to disheartened and don't let yourself wonder to far with the fact that you have mc for a second time. I have a 7 year old and started ttc last September 2012. I had a mc in November and then another mc in January this year and am now 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd time lucky. I too stressed so much that I must have a problem and wont have another child and it affected me soooo much, I didn't listen to the doctors and my friends and family who all said it wasn't meant to be and was just one of those things yet here I am, so they were right. Stay positive and I know the new year will be your year x x x
Thanks for your kind words. I will try not to dwell on the fact it is a second mc especially as they are two completely different scenarios. The first baby developed until 7 weeks and was a mmc, this is a much earlier mc that is probably due to some problem around implantation and thankfully my body has realised what's going on and is dealing with it. I think if both pregnancies had failed at the same stage I would be more worried as I would assume it was the sane problem. I think you're right though, pregnancies fail for all sorts of reasons and sometimes it's just not meant to be but it doesn't mean that it won't be next time.

I need to pick myself up a bit, my oh was really down on Saturday but he seems to have accepted it and is making a big effort to cheer me up so I need to do the same. We had made loads of plans for things to do over the next few weeks but the thought of Christmas just leaves me feeling flat now. Maybe a few Baileys will sort that out!

Congratulations on your pregnancy, I'm so glad you got your happy ending after all your worrying. My new goal is to join that 3rd time lucky club :) xxx
Sorry this has happened to you lovely so sad I've had 2 10 week losses both needed Erpc and I also had a 3rd exact same as u gd line around 14 dpo then they just got fainter over 3 days til I bled and af came :( and I was grateful that time that it ended sooner rather than later after going through later losses it's much kinder this way but still very very sad , take care of urself and I hope it's not to far away that u get ur sticky Bfp xx
Sorry this has happened to you lovely so sad I've had 2 10 week losses both needed Erpc and I also had a 3rd exact same as u gd line around 14 dpo then they just got fainter over 3 days til I bled and af came :( and I was grateful that time that it ended sooner rather than later after going through later losses it's much kinder this way but still very very sad , take care of urself and I hope it's not to far away that u get ur sticky Bfp xx

Thanks hun, i feel the same as you did really - grateful that it's over early and naturally. I couldn't go through the long mc I had the 1st time with failed medical management and then an erpc. My heart would truly have been broken then so I am grateful but sad all the same. I hope I get my sticky bfp soon as well, I'm so glad you got yours - definitely gives me some hope xxx
So sorry hon. I know you start to question what the hell is happening after 2 mc. It sounds like you have a very sane and sensible approach to thinking about it, try to hold onto this when the crazy tries to creep in...

I really hope you can join the 3rd time lucky club very soon. Take care of yourself. x
So sorry hon. I know you start to question what the hell is happening after 2 mc. It sounds like you have a very sane and sensible approach to thinking about it, try to hold onto this when the crazy tries to creep in...

I really hope you can join the 3rd time lucky club very soon. Take care of yourself. x

I was banking on the 1st mc being a one off thing but I'm trying not to read too much into it happening again as it seems so different. Believe me the crazy has crept in many times in the past but I have learnt that no good can come of it so I'm calm (for now lol).

Congrats on your little one, I know it wasn't an easy path for you but you got there and I hope I do too xxx

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