coming off the pill?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
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hey guys, iv recently came off the pill. and my periods are all over the place!!they have been lasting around 2 weeks and are really heavy!!is this normal??also how long did u wait to ttc after coming off the pill??
Mine where the same when i came off it and i started TTC stright away. :hug:
I came off the pill in Feb last year but didn't start TTC till December/ January. My periods weren't particularly heavy but they were all over the place - ranging from 28-42 days. They are still a bit erratic but have settled down a little aswell.

Hope yours get sorted soon. I would talk to your GP if you are really worried about it
thanks 4 the advice ladies, i think il wait a couple of months and see how it goes!!i read somewhere that your'e supposed to wait 3 months after coming off the pill??xxx
my first period was 1 week late after coming off the pill and i conceived the month after so im unsure whether they went bk to normal or not but think they did. you can try to conceive but it would be easier if you were regular, u could try chartin ur temp and makin a diary of how many days you are etc. hth good luck hun xxx
I took a good year or so at least to get totally back to normal. (I was on the pill for 6-7 years) I would have heavy periods then nothing for 3 months - ended up going to the drs and having a pregnancy test and blood tests to check my hormones but they were all fine. It is annoying but it will sort itself out in the end! I dont think theres any problem with starting TTC straight away although it might be difficult to predict when youre going to ov :think:
Zita wests book says your more fertile immediatly u stop taking the pill, so were trying right away, stopped pill last month. Taking temps and using opk's but not had positive opk yet so reckon my cycles all up the spout!! I was on pill 18 years tho :?
I came off the pill in February and started TTC straight away. I've had one proper AF since then which was heavier and longer (about one and a half weeks) than normal (well on the pill). I was on the pill for about 10 years, I have found that I don't get a sore back like I did whilst on the pill just before and during AF which is good. If I remember rightly, before going on the pill I used to get a lot of cramps but I didn't get those last month so I don't know whether that is because I'm older now. My first cycle was 32 days so I'll be interested to see if this one will be roughly the same.

Good luck TTC :wave:

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