Combined Feeding?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hey ladies, feeling a bit down today as been to have Ella weighed and she's dropped another centile... for the fourth time in a row. Having been born on the 75th, she's now just on the 9th :shock:

She's exclusively breastfed and generally seems to be going ok apart from the odd time when she just screams at my boob so i end up giving her a bottle of EBM cause I worry she's still hungry (which she must be cause she takes it!)

Should I try combined feeding? The HV is a waste of time, just said 'yeah if you want to try it you can' ... I want my baby to get what she needs so will do whatever it takes!

Thing is, not sure how to introduce formula, when or how much? Any help or advice will be very welcome... thank you :oooo:
I know how you feel... Isla is now heading towards the 2nd centile (born on the 50th).

We were mix feeding up until last week - she's now totally on formula as I was expressing all her feeds and it was just too much. I started with one bottle a day and then over a period of about 4 weeks the balance gradually shifted towards formula.

However, it doesn't seem that the introudction of formula has helped her weight gain - she's still only gaining about 6oz a fortnight. The bottom line is that she doesn't drink enough to put on lots of weight. The most she has is about 20oz a day.

Sorry - no real advice - just what has happened to us.
Thanks hun, just feel like i'm not giving her what she needs and beating myself up a bit over it.

Are the docs concerned about Isla? I guess if she's just not hungry for more could it just be that she's going to be petite?
HI tHere
Must be hard with baby dropping centiles. I bf Lo til 5/6 months exlusively but would hav eloved to have done 1 yr. He started refusing the boob as was having bottles with daddy and childminder. just wanted bottles, tried to combine feed but my supply went and hard expressing all the time as everntually he completely refused boob. Not saying this is what will happen if you combine but bear it in mind. Do what ever makes you happy hon, although it wont stop the guilt! I would say persevere with the bfing and do things to increase your supply - have you tried fenugreek tablets- they are amazing at boosting milk supply, what about oats too? But you could just do one formula feed a day? what about bedtime feed froma bottle then when LO is in bed you can express and build up freezer stash? good luck x
Thanks hun, just feel like i'm not giving her what she needs and beating myself up a bit over it.

Are the docs concerned about Isla? I guess if she's just not hungry for more could it just be that she's going to be petite?

I know exactly how you feel - I have been through all the guilt etc.

We have been referred to see a paediatrician - appointment in a week. But we also saw a private paediatrician a couple of weeks ago as I was so stressed and upset. He said that there is nothing wrong and recommended that we start weaning at 4 months to see if that helps her appetite so we've just started introducing baby rice and porridge this week.

That's what I keep telling myself - she must be getting enough - she wouldn't starve herself and she's obviously going to be little. Having looked at the graphs - as a 19 year old, I was on the 2nd centile so I try to reassure myself with that but it doesn't always work. Everyday seems like a battle - counting ounces and worrying that she hasn't had enough but there's nothing you can do if they won't take it!

Feel free to PM me!
I would say persevere with the bfing and do things to increase your supply - have you tried fenugreek tablets- they are amazing at boosting milk supply, what about oats too?
I've been eating porridge every morning as i'd heard about oats. Not tried fenugreek though, will grab some... Gotta be worth a try!

Gonna try a night time bottle and maybe one in the day and express like you say, i know there's a risk of my milk going but i think i juat need to come to terms with the fact that i would have to stop eventually and 3 months is still a fair amount of time, any more i can carry on for will be a bonus.

I'm stressing myself out so much over her weight that i'm sure that's contributing to the problem, hopefully with a bit of formula, some fenugreek and a more chilled out mommy, we should get back on track!
I know exactly how you feel - I have been through all the guilt etc.

We have been referred to see a paediatrician - appointment in a week. But we also saw a private paediatrician a couple of weeks ago as I was so stressed and upset. He said that there is nothing wrong and recommended that we start weaning at 4 months to see if that helps her appetite so we've just started introducing baby rice and porridge this week.

That's what I keep telling myself - she must be getting enough - she wouldn't starve herself and she's obviously going to be little. Having looked at the graphs - as a 19 year old, I was on the 2nd centile so I try to reassure myself with that but it doesn't always work. Everyday seems like a battle - counting ounces and worrying that she hasn't had enough but there's nothing you can do if they won't take it!

Feel free to PM me!

I know exactly what you mean! She seems fine, she's got chubby legs despite the lack of weight gain and is a really happy smiley baby so she doesn't seem malnurished or anything, just when you see where they're 'supposed' to be and where they actually are on the chart, makes you feel like you've done something wrong!

At least the paed has reassured you Isla's ok and maybe the solids will help... Or maybe not and she's just gonna be a tiddler, especially as you were a littlun too :)
I know exactly how you feel - I have been through all the guilt etc.

We have been referred to see a paediatrician - appointment in a week. But we also saw a private paediatrician a couple of weeks ago as I was so stressed and upset. He said that there is nothing wrong and recommended that we start weaning at 4 months to see if that helps her appetite so we've just started introducing baby rice and porridge this week.

That's what I keep telling myself - she must be getting enough - she wouldn't starve herself and she's obviously going to be little. Having looked at the graphs - as a 19 year old, I was on the 2nd centile so I try to reassure myself with that but it doesn't always work. Everyday seems like a battle - counting ounces and worrying that she hasn't had enough but there's nothing you can do if they won't take it!

Feel free to PM me!

I know exactly what you mean! She seems fine, she's got chubby legs despite the lack of weight gain and is a really happy smiley baby so she doesn't seem malnurished or anything, just when you see where they're 'supposed' to be and where they actually are on the chart, makes you feel like you've done something wrong!

At least the paed has reassured you Isla's ok and maybe the solids will help... Or maybe not and she's just gonna be a tiddler, especially as you were a littlun too :)

That's what you (and I!) need to focus on - she's happy and meeting all the other 'normal' milestones. Those bloody charts eh!?
amelia has never been into drinking milk she much prefers food max she has ever drunk is 24ozs in 24hrs but she always gained weight but now we are weaning her i feel better x
Yeah, will be interesting to see the changes once we start weaning, planning to start at 17 weeks and see how we go...

She had both boobs followed by 2oz formula before bed tonight so must be needing more than i've got to give. But gonna have words with myself and try and focus on the good :) will keep an eye out on what happens with Isla next week x
i had to stop breast feeding at 12 weeks because amelia would feed for 20 mins off both sides and still want more 40 mins later x
hi, i now combine feed a little, i breastfeed all day, then sofia has a big formula bottle at night cos she polishes off 9 oz and i just couldnt get that in breast milk. so im lucky that i can feed all day and my milk supply has stayed good, as ive sort of trained myself that my last breastfeed of the day is around 3.30 then 1 bottle at 7pm ish then she sleeps through til 6/7 now shes on a bit of baby rice, and it works perfectly for me! x
I guess in reality 3 months isn't that bad especially as they say you can start weaning from 4...

I swear i've got a tonne more grey hair the last three months worrying about everything, i need to chill out a bit!

Flexi that sounds fab, Ella only woke once last night after having both boobs and 2oz formula at 7.30. Then 8pm tonight she had formula, only about 4 oz but had drained both boobs an hour before so we'll see how tonight goes... A 6/7 wake up would be most welcome :)

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