Colic, constipated and unhappy :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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All week I have had problems with Sam he isn't poo - ing very regular (every 2-3 days) and he is getting himself worked up into a right state. He spends all his time straining to do a poo or with his knees up screaming.

Today he finally went for the first time since Monday and it was like clay (sorry TMI) then later on when he went again it was better.

I have tried everything with him boiled water, warm baths, tummy rubs, adding fresh OJ to his water and nothing seems to help.
He constantly has trapped wind :( and is a really un happy little boy :( at the moment.

On top of that he also has a bottom tooth just poking through his gums.

I feel really bad that I can't do anything to help him, it's really getting me down.
Which formula are you using hun?

My good friend was using Cow & Gate for ages and then she switched to SMA Gold (against the advice of her HV who told her to perservere) and Jacob went from pooing every 50 hours to twice a day and seems WAY happier. Might be worth a try?

Mind you we're on SMA Gold and Connie (although she poos twice a day) has almost constant windy bubbles in her gut and is such a farter!!! :shock:
You and Sam have my sympathies :hug:

We have been through this with Charlie too, he was only pooing every other day or so and seemed to be constantly struggling with wind and was generally really unhappy. Lately we have been giving him infacol and this seems to have worked, you have to give it for a while (week or so) for it to make a difference. He is also having the cow and gate comfort formula and think that this has helped him as well.

Hope you find something that helps :hug:
He is on Cow and Gate formula (not the comfort one). He's been on it a few weeks previously he was on Aptamil which was worse.
I give him Infacol but it doesn't seem to do anything

I'm finding it a struggle now he seems to be screaming all the time and in pain. His tummy is constantly making noises which i assume is wind.

I feel so helpless and useless and at the end of my tether.
awww poor thing. Kyrans recently suffered from constipation and i was told to put half a tea spoon on brown fine sugar in each bottle till he goes for a number 2. It worked a treat.

Im a massive fan of cow and gate comfort it totally changed my boy. It didnt get rid of his colic but instead of not being content after a bottle he was so happy and smiling and he was sooo much better at night. Within a week he was usually having a "colic attach" in the evening for a couple hours (instead of all day and night!) and slept for 5 hours in a row then within a week went to waking once for a bottle, then within a month not waking and sleeping right through. so i cant recommend it enough. He was a differnt child.

The colic stage will pass eventually kyran got over his about 3 weeks ago and touch wood he only does one burp after a whole bottle and is fine. A couple months that would of been unheard of, i had to burp him after every ounce and then hed still scream with trapped wind.

It will get better soon hun :hug:
Em try the comfort the normal cow and gate gave harry really bad trapped wind and he was in pain all the time. Constantly passing wind too. Since being on the comfort he's way happier and hardly has any wind at all. :hug:
Emma58 said:
He is on Cow and Gate formula (not the comfort one). He's been on it a few weeks previously he was on Aptamil which was worse.
I give him Infacol but it doesn't seem to do anything

I'm finding it a struggle now he seems to be screaming all the time and in pain. His tummy is constantly making noises which i assume is wind.

I feel so helpless and useless and at the end of my tether.

Sorry, it's so hard when you feel this helpless, I know the feeling :hug:

Becky is on SMA gold and has been since birth without any problems, she goes about twice a day and hasn't been constipated so far (touch wood). Like debecca's Connie she is VERY windy but a nightmare to burp and farts like a trooper. HV said not to worry as long as the gas comes out one end or the other.

We've used infacol and it helped a little but have made a conscious effort to feed her a little more upright and wind her frequently or else she tends to bring up some of her feed as well as the wind. Has your HV suggested anything?

Hope some of the suggestions above can help :cheer:

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