Cold relief?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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Well its that time of year ladies :shock:..
When one person in a house gets the cold and it goes round in circles and you end up getting it two or three times and feeling like crap! :mad:.

So thought I would post this little thread and see what sort of cold remedies you girls use/stick by? I know I can take paracetamol but thats about it :lol:

In the past 12 weeks of my pregnancy I have had more colds than I get in a year! Your more likely to pick up colds and various bits when your pregnant. I had flu at begining of pregnancy and I used things like soothers and herbal cough sweets and for my migraines cause no way is paracetamol going to shift those, I used the cool migraine strips. They didnt work too well for me they were sooooo cold it almost made my head hurt more. I also used Olbas oil to unblock my nose or vapour rub is just as good. Also sniffing that 24/7 for a week or so really helped with my sickness. You gotta just deal with it and just rest. Im suffering from another cold at the moment. The flu never really went completely but I find if someone sneezes or coughs thats it ill get it!

Thanks :) was reading up the internet on a few handy tips just wondered if there was anything you girls preffered :) x
yeah just stick to the paracetamol but if its a head cold i had lemsip instead of the paracetamol as it heat my body up and has paracetamol in it too
ohhhh i know the feeling!!! :( ive just been taking paracetamol not been doing much though xxx
Hiya, I was suffering and asked the same thing on here a couple of weeks ago, so you have my sympathies. The nose strips you can get to keep your nasal passages open are brilliant and drug free so I used those. Also warm baths made me feel better swell as albas oil to sniff. The main thing that kept my spirits up though was watching Gerard butler films! Really took my mind off my misery :)

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