Colbi Regan :) 24/08


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Hiya, im not on very much anymore because of little man if hes not feeding hes sleeping on me lol.

As most of you know i was having irregular contractions all of the 23rd and they were going closer then further apart. Well i phned hospital at 9.30ish and they told me 5/6mins apart was too far apart and to wait till they was closer, by 11.30pm they was still irregular 3/4mins apart so i rung them back and got told to come in only if i wanted pain relief :wall2: so i said id go down, i got there at 12 and thought it was all gonna stop but as i got into the labour room my contractions got to about 1-2 mins apart and i was brreathing through the pain, the midwife was really good she had to link me up to monitors to check on baby but he was sleeping so she had to leave them on longer then i wanted to, i was laying on the bed for most of the contractions, she then done an internal and i was 5cm dilated:oooo: then i told her i had to move and she let me move about but staying close to monitor, my waters were still in tact. I then got onto the bed and lent over the back of the bed then my waters broke, i just felt a pop and was like "what the hell was that?!" Midwife kept telling me to take the gas and air but i refused i was too busy swearing through the pain by this point lol By about 1.30ish i was pushing but not activly and the cerix was open but still had a little bit at front which she wasnt concerned about. By 2.13 my little man was born :) he got taken from me after he was pulled out as he didnt breath straight away and had done a poo inside me and wee`d on his placement on my tummy before being taken to the machine to have oxygen but as soon as he was put on the table he screamed so he was fine :) he was 9lb and Not as big as the Dr`s said. I had a slight tear but no stitches :D and was home by 7am the same day. Hope i havent left anything out! x

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You did amazingly well hun! Especially using swearing as your method of pain relief. Congrats x
Congrats! Loving his name x sounds like you did so so well! Sounds like swearing is perfect pain relief!!! x
Congratulations!! Swearing is being added to my list of pain relief options!
Congratulations, ive seen the piccies of him on facebook and hes a cutie :D
thanks everyone! i tried to put a pic up but its too big ill try upload one now x
Brilliant news , congratulations , what beautiful names you have picked for him too

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