Coil or Implant?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Ok so it's about time I thought about contraception lol

It's either going to be the implant or the coil. I've had the mirena before, and I had no problem with it (apart from when it moved, and had to have it taken out)

But, I'm curious as to the implant. It would mean no fiddling around with my bits again lol

Has anyone had the implant? Any thoughts on it? Any reason why I should go for the implant rather than the coil? Or the other way round?

I don't have a problem with hormone based contraceptives. And I want something that will reduce my periods (i hate having them, makes me feel so unclean).

The mirena stopped my periods after about 3 months, would the implant do the same?

Any advice gratefully recieved!
If you have no issues with hormone based contraceptives then the implant is a good option. I have them implant but i am having it removed (due to me having problems with it), it was painless to have put in except for a scratch from the needle to numb your arm.
My period returned after having Calleigh but since having the implant have had none since.

I think maybe the only difference between the coil and implant is that the coil lasts longer (5yrs) where the implant is only 3yrs.
ooh thanks for that. are your problems with it just due to the hormones in it?

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