The implant


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I'm thinking of having the implant fitted and was just wondering if any of you have had any experiences of it? And how does it affect your periods? Thankyou in advance for any replies :hug:
Hi hun, I don't have first hand experience of the implant but my SIL has just had it fitted. I am not sure about periods, she was told by the GP that all women are different, some will have them others won't. The reason she chose the implant was because she always forgot to take the pill, she also liked the thought that once removed your fertility returns to normal straight away as she is going to have more children.

I have the implant and have had no periods but every woman is different.
I am having it removed though because it really doesnt agree with me. I have come out in awful spots and my sex drive is near non exisitant at the moment so i want it removed.
I had it fitted last year but found I had constant bleeding for months so had it removed. It affects all women differently though. I think there is a contraceptive pill with similar hormones you can try first to see how it will affect you, not sure though.
Thanks girls :hug: Think I'll have it fitted and then if I don't get on with it I can get it removed
I had it fitted and and for a while it was fine! Then my periods came back very irregular! It really didnt agree with me so had it removed! I preferred the pill injection if Im honest! Bit of a pain in the butt (lol) but no messing about, stopped my AF and only had slight spotting at the begining!
Laura_James&Amber said:
Thanks girls :hug: Think I'll have it fitted and then if I don't get on with it I can get it removed
Some doctors are a bit funny about them and like you to try and keep them in ( I guess its because they must cost a lot of money) just incase, dont tell your doc you may have it removed in the near future hahaha
i had it put in a few weeks after having my baby and i really regret it! I was an emotional mess, no sex drive, crying a lot...ive taken it out now and im a lot better but not back to how i was
I was wondering the same thing. I went to my local Family Planning clinic last week to get it only to be told I have to make an appointment so I am going back 1st decemeber to get it fitted.
I have it and touch wood things are going good so far! I had mine fitted 8 weeks ago. Had a tiny spot of bleeding and that was it, I don't know if that's because I'm breastfeeding though. Will see how it goes! I love it though :D
I had mine in for 2 yrs, on the plus side, No periods, no monthly probs
on the downside, I gained weight, sex..whats that!, and the one thing docs dont mention and I was told by a nurse when it was taken out, is it can cause depression, its a very common side effect but docs fail to tell you this!
Ive just been looking into getting this...after reading this thread i think il pass!!
why dont we just have a button to press when we want to ttc lol xx
I have it!

Had it in for almost 2 months now. I've had no AF, but I am BF. My arm was sore for a while and still feels a bit funny sometimes.
All seems fine for me, but like the paperwork and other girlies on here have said it does affect other people in different ways.
I had it for 2 years
Good bits for me -
I get migraines with the normal pill (microgianan sp?), & didn't with this

Not having to remember to take it! once its in you can forget about it for 3 years

Bad bits -
AF was constant, even after 2 years it didn't settle :(

Not feeling depressed but anxious alot of the time (I'd put it down to being stressed finishing my degree & working full time, but it wasn't! Only felt "me" again after having it out some 6months after finishing degree) Even hubby noticed a change for the better once it had been out about a week!

Would say in hinde sight, sex drive did lower slightly

Would I have it again? Nope!
But I do think everyone is different on it x
That's me got mine fitted now. So far everything has been fine, on my periods the now and it is very light but the cramp is worse than before. I've spent most of today on the couch eating chocolate biscuits and feeling sorry for myself!
JoAnn&Aimee said:
That's me got mine fitted now. So far everything has been fine, on my periods the now and it is very light but the cramp is worse than before. I've spent most of today on the couch eating chocolate biscuits and feeling sorry for myself!

good luck with it! let us know how it goes!!!
I've not had it but my best friend has.
It really didn't agree with her!
She gained about 5/6 stone on it!
And also, though she is pregnant now, she wasn't ovulating regularly!

But every woman is different and she always had quite a bad history with hormonal contraception!

I just wanted to put my 2p worth in.
I got it fitted after dh and i split up for awhile as I'd been through a few miscarriages and just needed to know that i almost certainly wouldn't get pregnant. So I opted for this (as i'd been on depo & the pill in my earlier years before meeting dh)
I had it in from Feb to Oct. In that time my skin went gross, which I could cope with. I never got af, which meant cos of my fear of miscarrying again I seemed to be constantly testing.
But through the summer the weight just ballooned, which was lame. My sex drive disappeared (dh and i got back together) and my anxiety & mood swings were horrible and as I suffered with depression anyways, it didn't help.
So I elected to have it removed (and we'd started talking about ttc) & by far the worst bit for me was the actually having it removed, after only 6 months it took her about 20 mins to get the thing out of my arm cos the tendens or whatever it is had fused around it. gross. (the nurse said that doesn't happen to everyone though)
Only now 15 months later has the scar blended back in and stopped looking that horrible purple colour i guess thats why they hide it there lol.
Sorry for telling the removal bit too, next time, i'm tempted to try the patches!

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