Cn't tk nomor ov this lyk!!!

MrsBrightside said:
fran_23 said:
I had a naff naff jacket :oops: :oops: :oops: the spliffy one!! lol

i had a naff naff jacket and Eclipse jacket which was the spillfy one!! oh my god I thought I was sooo cool :lol:

Me to :oops: :oops:

my sis and mum texts like that i have to get jools to read it for me :rotfl:
MrsBrightside said:
fran_23 said:
I had a naff naff jacket :oops: :oops: :oops: the spliffy one!! lol

i had a naff naff jacket and Eclipse jacket which was the spillfy one!! oh my god I thought I was sooo cool :lol:

Oh yeah the spliffy one i had was actually a waistcoat..pfft!! but i had naff naff coat and how comes it was cheap and flimsy and worth about 50p but cost..god knows what coz it was so popular?
Dunt c wot da prblm iz lyk m8. I fink it iz shizzit hot wen uz cool kidz be tlkin lyk dis, Fo sho!!!
U not findin dis cool den m8, me finks itz bitchin, an all dat shizzit.

:rotfl: Fook me took me ages to think and write that down haha, can stand it, because you cant understand it half the time init
oh gosh i say all those things :oops:

especially fo sho :oops:

and im pushing 30! is that embarrassing? hehe

i am tryna stop, iv started typing longer words lately (see! i wouldv put l8le b4 hehe) have any of y'all noticed? :D
I lv spkn lyk dis i cn tk d pz ota ppl wivot dem noin. ent da ryt blud

:puke: :lol:
Mel&Bean said:
Dunt c wot da prblm iz lyk m8. I fink it iz shizzit hot wen uz cool kidz be tlkin lyk dis, Fo sho!!!
U not findin dis cool den m8, me finks itz bitchin, an all dat shizzit.

:rotfl: Fook me took me ages to think and write that down haha, can stand it, because you cant understand it half the time init

LOL Mel Hayden loves your Avatar he wouldnt let me come off that topic coz he was laughing at it :-)

FO SHO ya get me?
Fo Shizzle Fran, and im glad my avatar makes someone as happy as it does me, elmo is a complete dude, ait!!!!
' love speaking like this I can take the piss out of people without them knowing. isnt that right blood'

PMSL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My 30+ year old Auntie sent me a text the other day. Was something like "Ru comin 2 4xroads 4sun dina 4grandmas birthday"
I'm 21 but struggled to understand that!!!
Show it to my 26 year old OH and i had to translate!

BTW 4xroads is a pub. Four Crossroads! Lol
Probably opening a can of worms here but....

To be honest the only reason I clicked on this thread was because it was made by Sweetcheeks24, who has been very sweet to me recently. I thought "oh dear, what's happened?" If the post had been made by a person I didn't know or recognise I probably would have avoided it.

Text speak posts really do my head in. The odd word here and there I can manage, but a whole post or sentence just has me bamboozled.

The internet and mobile phones have totally murdered the english language. Grammar and spelling is totally out of the window. I could make a list of the things that bug me the most, but I usually just try to ignore them. I would never point out someone else's mistakes as that's just rude. I do understand that not some people don't even get half a chance at school or that English isn't everyone's first language.

I'm only a run of the mill comprehensive educated person with not so great grades, so this isn't coming from some stuck up preacher on a soap box. But one thing I do is if I'm not sure of a spelling I look it up or use the spell checker. I usually try to proof read my posts before submitting them and I get very embarrassed if I make silly mistakes. To me things like this matter, if we don't practice the skills we lose them and this way I can try to improve. After all I'm going to have a little Pixie to teach soon. :D

I do have a friend who I spam with stuff for translation now and then. I'd be lost without him. He's seventeen and thinks it's really funny that I send him text messages written out in full. ;)
My cousin who will be 27 in January sends me messages via facebook using text speak and i cant understand a word of it! Its utter drivel.
I get homework handed in to me by teenagers in text speak

Also I've been given exam papers that have been answered in text speak too.
God you lot must secretly loathe me then im all typos and wt i neva's ! :shock: :shock:
MagicMarkers said:
God you lot must secretly loathe me then im all typos and wt i neva's ! :shock: :shock:

I have got into the habbit of checking my spelling before i hit 'submit' but my typing can be so bad that people have assumed that english is not my first language :lol: Not text speak really, just nonsense and shitty spelling.

Even when i text i have to write properly (costs bit more though cos the message is longer, MayB i shud lrn 2 writ lik dis :think: See, even when i try to text speak i get it wrong :roll: )

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