

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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i had a "period" for 2 days the day after AF was due (my cycles are a bit messed up with coming off the pill) and it wasent light but not really heavy but there was some clots which is why i am worrying. now today 5 or 6 days from that happening ive just got a faint bfp im worried now as i shouldnt of had clots. did i MC??? I cant see my doctor til monday! what do you think x
If you are still getting a faint positive 5-6 days after that there a chance you could still be pregnant, if you can't wait till monday you can take another hpt thats how i found out i had a chemical pregnancy but that was after all the clotting and heavy bleeding had stopped i had a negative on a hpt, i dont mean to scare you by saying this.
But your doctor will give you a better answer to your question. I wish you all the luck in the world and good luck with your appointment, let us know how you get on tomorrow x
i took another one yestoday it was an answer one and the line was just a little but lighter than the control line but very clear to tell it was a positive. Then this morning i took a cheapie again and i think it was a little bit darker but my pee was very strong this morning. I really hope there is a chance that everything is ok. Why would i of had clots and blood like a normal period for 2 days then it just stopped. thanks for your advice, i suppose whats gonna happen is gonna happen. i feel quite sick this morning i dont know whether thats a sign or just because im worrying thanks xxx
i took another one yestoday it was an answer one and the line was just a little but lighter than the control line but very clear to tell it was a positive. Then this morning i took a cheapie again and i think it was a little bit darker but my pee was very strong this morning. I really hope there is a chance that everything is ok. Why would i of had clots and blood like a normal period for 2 days then it just stopped. thanks for your advice, i suppose whats gonna happen is gonna happen. i feel quite sick this morning i dont know whether thats a sign or just because im worrying thanks xxx

With the line getting darker this morning it sounds like everything is going to be ok with you and your baby :),
It could have been left over ib that you had, some woman still have a normal period and still be pregnant and go on to have a healthy pregnancy i did with my first DD 13 years ago. But at least you will able to have your mind put at ease at the doctors tomorrow.xx
Thanks alot, also just phoned Cuedoc and they said it could of been implantation bleeding because you can have clotting everyone is different and she said that people can have period through out pregnancy...going to the doctors tomoz. does anyone know how long it takes a doctors to confirm a pregnancy? my friend said a week? i just want to know when to tell the rest of my family, it all feels really weird im so scared xxx
thanks everyone good luck everyone xxx
No advice really hun but I just wanted to say good luck for the doctors tomorrow and I hope this is it for you! Let us know how you get on!
How did you get on at the doctors? Hope everthing is fine :hug:x
sorry this is a bit late, i went for an internal and they couldnt see anything, so ive got to go bk for more scan later on maybe the doctors waiting for the report from the hospital she never told me much, but ive just worked out the bleeding was over 2 week ago so there is a chance i could of concieved after it. xx well i hope.
Good luck, I hope you get a answer soon and a bfp. have you done anymore hpt to see if you still have positives? x
hi sorry late again i havent subscribed myself to this thread, im STILL getting faint doctors are USELESS. Im spotting very very lightly now this will be the 3rd day, im ment to be having a period but theres barely anthing there. still got no answers. thanks for the support xxx

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