Clothing sizes and weights


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Just wondering how long your LO was in newborn for and if 0-3 fitted when newborn didnt. New born things seem to say up to 10lb but i've got some mothcare items which are still way too big for her. most of the NB clothes are too short for her and she cant stretch her legs in her sleepsuits, theres plenty or width in them but not length. However the 0-3 clothes and sleepsuits are huge on her, so atm none of her comfy sleepsuit type clothes fit.

Did anyone else find this, or do you know roughly what weight they were when they changed, she's 9lb atm but quite long, but unlike adult clothes you cant really get tall baby clothes!!!
It depends on where you bought it! Becky managed to stay in Next up to 1 month sleepsuits for closer to 2 months and she is very long (was probably about 12lb odd at the time). She outgrew Tesco 0-3 months very, very early on (probably at about 10lbs if not less) because I find their sizes come up small. Mothercare stuff I've found to be average, definitely more generous than the Tesco stuff though.

Sorry that's not much help overall - sizes are a pain because they're different everywhere! If you don't have any Next up to 1 month stuff let me know because I'd be more than happy to send you a sleepsuit in the size to try it out/use (I have a heap of which there are 2 she's only had on once).
daftscotslass said:
It depends on where you bought it! Becky managed to stay in Next up to 1 month sleepsuits for closer to 2 months and she is very long (was probably about 12lb odd at the time). She outgrew Tesco 0-3 months very, very early on (probably at about 10lbs if not less) because I find their sizes come up small. Mothercare stuff I've found to be average, definitely more generous than the Tesco stuff though.

Sorry that's not much help overall - sizes are a pain because they're different everywhere! If you don't have any Next up to 1 month stuff let me know because I'd be more than happy to send you a sleepsuit in the size to try it out/use (I have a heap of which there are 2 she's only had on once).

I have to agree here. Calleigh grows quickly out of tesco stuff but next and mothercare tend to last alot longer.
Calleigh wasnt in Newborn sizes for too long, and then she moved into 3-6 months before she hit 3 months. I am now finding that some of her vests are coming up a little on the small size for her now. So iam sure i will be out buying 6-9 vests shortly for her :o
DD is in 6-9 month clothes :rotfl: She's not even 3 months yet!
We have problems coz of her long legs and big feet. 0-3 sleepsuits are too short in the leg and 3-6 are way too big at the mo. I find some Asda stuff is big. I bought a pack of 0-3 vests and they have loads of growing room left, whereas other vests are starting to get a little tight. We only have problems with sleepsuits to be honest. She has 11lb tops and 0-3 trousers which will last loads longer. And she's fast gaining 4 months.
Galen never really fitted newborn tbh. He was big and a bit long. We skipped that stage.

By 3 weeks he fitted all his 0-3 clothes fine. He grew out of his sleepsuits at 6 weeks and has been in 3-6 month ones since. He is also in 3-6 month clothing since he was about 10 weeks old :lol: :roll:

I like Next stuff as it is on the larger size and fits for longer. I never worry if sleepsuits are a bit loose fitting to start off, they soon grow to fit them.
i find every clothes store different. Ky didnt fit in any newborn clothes until he was about a month old, everything had to be tiny baby and he wasnt that small born (7lbs2oz) hes petite and long rather than short and chubby. its weird because i have 0-3 vests from tesco and asda that still fit him now. i generally buy him 3-6month trousers and most of his tops are 6months :roll: he can wear 6month trousers in length but needs a belt for the waist.
I've got a long one over here too, but she's also quite skinny! Causes a few probs where trousers and stuff are concerned.

In the waist, she is only just fitting into 0-3! But in terms of sleepsuits she is pretty much out of 3-6 months already. I bought some 6-9 month body suits the other day and they hardly have any growth in them.

I also found shops vary soooooo much. In the early days I'd say the Asda sleepsuits & Next ones def fitted the longest. Hmm and probably mothercare - she only has 1 set from there in 3-6 months, but they seem to be huge so hasn't worn them just yet.

We have now moved on to footless pyjamas, as then it doesn't matter too much if she gets even taller :D I struggled to get them in small sizes, only Mothercare seemed to do them in 3-6 months. Asda do them too, but they only have shorts ones at the moment.

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