Cloth nappies? How and why?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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At the moment I use the baby naturcare disposable nappies but after reading so many posts on cloth nappies I have become interested in the how's and why's of changing to reusable nappies (apart from the obvious money saving). I'm interested to know what the benefits are and if they provide the same level of absorbency as disposables? Are they a lot more time consuming?

I'd also like to know how exactly you use them? I'm confused by the information I've read online. :?
There's the enviromental impact etc, plus less chemicals in cloth so you could argue better for baby.

There's alot of cloth options around and like you I was soooo confused. If you go for shaped nappies, they are pretty much identical to disposables in how they work - you can get all in ones, so you just put it on, exactly the same :) they just need changing more often.

Your best bet if you want to try is so get one each of as many as you can find and have a try... there's lots of girls on here selling bits and bobs and give it a go :hug: it's great fun, if a tad addictive :oops:
Very addictive!

For me its all to do with the chemicals in the disposables. Cloth is more natural and was used all the time before disposables.

There are loads to choose from but as MM said have a look in the for sale section and buy some to try :D

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