Close Baby Carrier or Moby Wrap??


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Do you own either of the above and if so would you recommend it?? Not sure which to go for, they both seem the same, except for the close baby one looks a lot easier to pop on, but more expensive. Where the Moby looks harder to pop on, but cheaper in price.

Advice and recommendations please :)

I have a carrier already, for out walking ect, but at the moment she is to small (starting weight is 8lbs), plus i want something lighter for her to be in for around the house. At the moment Ellie has colic and wants to be held lots and i am sure being upright will help move the wind, and allow me to do a few jobs around the house, or even get her milk ready.
I have a moby and I love it! It looks tricky but honestly once you've done it a couple of times it's second nature! It's great for colic or reflux babies as they can be kept upright and you can carry on around tge house. It's been invaluble over the winter when I was watching other mothers struggle with prams in the snow as I was zipping past with the moby! Would recommend a million times over x
I have a moby carrier and we love it. I wear it around the house when I'm doing tidying etc and don't want to leave Tomos in his moses basket and would definately recommend it.

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