Clingy baby


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I love my son more than anything in the world but HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I can't even go to the loo without him. If I leave to room he screams, even if he's with his dad/grandmas (who he adores normally). He's learnt to say 'mum' and just says it constantly all day! He won't play unless I'm sitting on the floor next to him (or preferably with him on my lap).

I know I should be happy and make the most of him wanting to be with me but it's so suffocating!

Is this about right for his age? Any advice at all?

(Please don't think I'm a bad mummy for moaning about this, I really love him to bits and wouldn't swap him for the world)
Keeley went thru this... she still does it some days and i know how suffocating it is... i would say it is to do with he's age as he is slowly realising that you and him are not joined...

It wil pass but like i said Keeley still has days like this and she's 14months old :?

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
maybebaby said:
I love my son more than anything in the world but HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Oh dear I've said that so many times... :rotfl:

Tia was and still is dead clingy.... I dunno why exactly, but I have a funny feeling it was because she was breastfed and she co slept, and well spent a vast majority of her time alone with me.

But there was a point where she wouldn't leave me alone and I couldn't even pee without her being there.... TV worked wonders for that though... :lol:

I think it's why she learnt to walk early, so she could follow me around... but like your son, if I was out of her eye line, she would go ballistic...

She still has issues now, even though she's 8... she likes to hold my arm or hand while eating, going out, sitting on the sofa and even though all her friends walk into school on their own, I have to walk her right up to the classroom door. She still follows me to the toilet sometimes, although I have a go at her about that.. :rotfl:

They do get less clingy though... I would suggest getting him into some form of day care without you there, even just for a couple of hours 3 times a week, or leave him with your parents, so he can see you leave and come back... that way he will gain confidence that just because he can't see you, doesn't mean he will never see you again. It helped Tia loads.

I don't think your a bad mummy for complaining.. there are still days, where Tia's dead clingy, and its really exhausting... :roll:
maybebaby said:
I love my son more than anything in the world but HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I can't even go to the loo without him. If I leave to room he screams, even if he's with his dad/grandmas (who he adores normally). He's learnt to say 'mum' and just says it constantly all day! He won't play unless I'm sitting on the floor next to him (or preferably with him on my lap).


Evie is exactly the same at the moment, even Daddy doesn't do (which is upsetting for him). I'm hoping its just another phase which will pass soon (?) At the moment I'm just trying to socialise her a bit more (more going out for coffee with friends - tough hey :wink: etc) I'm also making a point of leaving her with Daddy at weekends and actually leaving the house so I'm not around all the time.

I know what you mean its kind of sweet that they love the interaction but kind of suffocating at the same time.
Lydia is clingy, but not so much with me, just with anybody. She follows me to the loo, she follows DH to the loo, when my friend Amy comes over she follows her to the loo aswell haha.

If I go into the kitchen she follows me in there. If DH leaves the room to go upstairs, she'll follow him.

Basically she just latches on to whoever is leaving the room, and follows them!

And she throws a right temper tantrum if you tell her to stop following you.
Jam follows me evrywhere, the loo, kitchen etc

he hates when i put my uniform on for work cos he knows im going, daddy isnt good enough lol :lol:
Hayden and Jordan are really clingy to me, i have to carry Hayden around everywhere with me and Jordan follows behind, i cant go to the loo or do the housework without them screaming for me
Ah well you've all made me feel better that it's not just me... I work 2 days a week & he goes to his Grandmas' (my mum on mondays & OH's mum on wednesdays). They always say what a lovely contented baby he is, happy to play on his own etc, and if he's with his daddy he's fine until I come into the room, then he HAS to be with me! I know he's fine with other people, it's just me he gets clingy with.

Ah well, just a phase... I'm sure by the time he's a teenager & going through the 'I hate you' phase I'll look back and be grateful!
jaydes a very clingy baby with me, ohs mums had her a couple of times and apparently shes just screamed there, i dread getting a job dont want her to scream if i leave her, when oh has her she always looks for me i think its cause shes at home with me all the time
maybebaby said:
Ah well you've all made me feel better that it's not just me... I work 2 days a week & he goes to his Grandmas' (my mum on mondays & OH's mum on wednesdays). They always say what a lovely contented baby he is, happy to play on his own etc, and if he's with his daddy he's fine until I come into the room, then he HAS to be with me! I know he's fine with other people, it's just me he gets clingy with.

Ah well, just a phase... I'm sure by the time he's a teenager & going through the 'I hate you' phase I'll look back and be grateful!

I think he probably just loves his mummy very much... Tia's like that... she demands attention of other people, but she's just clingy with me... :think: When she went to nurseries/childminders, she was fine... just I couldn't be out of her sight... But at least you know when they are teenagers they will hate you and you'll be an embarrassment to be near so it won't last forever...
:rotfl: :rotfl:

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