clear blue digital only says 2-3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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hello, i had a bleed last week and then spotting brown which has now thankfully stopped. when i got my bfp week and half ago the test said 1-2 weeks on it, then last week said 2-3. then i had that bleed on sunday morn, so did another test today and it said 2-3 weeks when i am in fact 5 + 5days. has anyone else experienced this at all? i am really worried that my hcg isnt what it should be and that the bleed was a m/c even tho there were no clots and it was one bleed and not a flow...any advice welcome? xx
you would be better seeing your gp or midwife hun they can properly test your hgc levels and put your mind at rest
yeah i asked them to do that when i went after bleed but they said it wasnt 'routine' as i was too early! in other words they couldnt be bothered! but i'll be asking midwife on thursday at booking app!x
I'm not sure but I think on instructions for cbd it says that they count from aprox conception date whereas doctors count from lmp so if you're 5+5 weeks by doctors counting you're actually only 3 weeks pregnant therefore cbd test is right? Double check on cbd instructions but I vaguely remember that's what it says. Good luck x
hi helen, yeah it does say that but i'm concerned cos it should say 3+? i it said 2-3 doesnt that mean that according to that i am only 5 weeks or under? x
It does also say on the pack that its not 100% accurate and everybody is different, if you had a m/c your hormone levels go down quite quickly mine went down to 25 when they should have been at least 600-800, im sure your fine and if you tested again 6+ weeks it will say 3+ weeks, if your really worried find your nearest early pregnancy unit and they may give you a scan? Good Luck Huni x x x x x
Would make a difference too whe you tested each time, like weighing yourself, best to always test with First morning Wee , and so if you tested with later in day we the second time then this could be lower, and that bit is only just a guide. HCG should double every three days I believe.

If you unsure do chase them up to save being worried X
hCG levels in early pregnancy vary so much, so it's only a rough guide - I wouldn't worry at all. If you look at the ranges here you'll see that the normal ranges overlap so much for different weeks:


from conception........from LMP................(mIU/ML or IU/L)
7 days.....................3 weeks..................0 to 5
14 days...................28 days...................3 to 426
21 days...................35 days...................18 to 7,340
28 days...................42 days...................1080 to 56,500
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thanks for that everyone you have all given me a bit of hope, i really do appreciate you all taking the time to reply. i have my app at mw tomorrow so will see if she thinks i need a blood test. xxx will keep u updated xxx
thanks louise, its tom i have my app. i really hope she says i can have ultrasound soon cos i sittin here wondering if i am def pg and if everything ok. no cramps at all now, or blood, and everyone keeps saying if it was mc then i wouldve had cramping and a flow and clots, and i havent had any of that so i am hopin all ok but who knows. will keep u

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